key biscayne mayor mike davey monday july 6 2020 covid19 update mayor davey has requested outdoor restaurant seating be allowed to remain open awaiting word from mayor gimenez URL @user #covid19 #flattenthecurve #kbstayhome #wearamask this #democratsaredestroyingamerica #covid #scamdemic #democratstheenemywithin URL i will not be leaving the house anytime soon its now estimated that one in four floridians are infected with covid19 if it doesnt come from amazon or publix delivery i dont fucking need it atlanta mayor keisha lance bottoms tests positive for covid19 URL reached the point in my covid19 journey where im considering finding a zaddy #breaking #newsreport guidance for general laboratory safety practices during the covid19 pandemic URL via #cdc the floor is lava except the lava is covid19 and the floor is ppl moron URL URL as someone with anxiety i can safely say that i am very glad i bought a pulse oximeter before moving down to covidstricken florida 1010 would recommend if like me coughing once makes you assume death is near florida gov ron desantis defends response to covid19 despite rising numbers URL :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: hovermir desantis has been a terrible leader for defeating the corona virus in florida corona virus is out of control new covid19 antibodies study in spain adds evidence against herd immunity URL if the left wants us to wear masks to save lives why isnt anyone on the left excited about the falling covid19 mortality rates i am seeing zero praise from the democrat leadership @user you love masks where is your praise for falling covid19 deaths media isnt reporting the 90 decrease of daily covid19 deaths what a surprise URL 28 covid19 cases in us 130000 deaths and our leader wants to talk about bubba wallace apologizing do you really think there are enough white supremacists alone to reelect you lead follow or get out of the way i hateee covid19 references in music please just let us forget real talk they dont give a fuck about shit but making the dollars move they trying to rush us back to a sense of normalcy that we have not earned yet this covid19 ish still rockin #besafeoutthere URL its crazy how covid19 damn near wiped out specific industries to the people who correlate fl covid19 spike with junes protests make an educated approximation on how many people protested last month now make another approximation on how many people went out to bars restaurants gyms which number is higher #floridacovidepicenter impact of covid19 survey enterprise support for wfh programs URL #covid19 #research #survey #wfh URL is no one really talking about the three gorges dam this can take out half the worlds manufacturing #covid19 #covid #america #blm @user is lying to floridians he refuses to admit the dramatic increase in the percent positive of all new covid19 tests he refuses to accept he prematurely reopened the state the numbers dont lie a month ago jun 6 the avg percent positive was 53 today its 92 URL this is going to be a nightmare especially if the covid19 is still on the rise URL fuck covid were having to reclose after just a few weeks because our leadership is ignorant selfish lacking intelligence but lets be proud of how the theme parks have prepared for upcoming reopenings florida sucks and its led by a moron #embarrassing #covid #floridacovid florida has 206k confirmed cases of covid19 and lockdown is starting to return to south florida as numbers continue to rise do your part to help prevent the spread cover your mouth and nose when in public #coronavirus #covid19 #coveryourmouthandnose URL avoiding the three cs helps prevent the spread of covid19 avoid closed spaces crowded places and closecontact settings for more information visit URL URL oh shit guys i lowkey think i caught the virus #covid #covid19 #covid19 #covid19ontario #chinavirus #kungflu URL #trump2020nowmorethanever please forget about the media and work on your platform for the next 4 yeard that is what the people want to hear good economy and positive results for covid19 new thinks that you would like to get done florida gov ron desantis defends response to covid19 despite rising numbers URL less than a 1 mortality rate and a 98 maybe higher recovery rate in florida URL dang covid19 URL covid19 is a serious thing speaking first hand as it applies specifically to the miami marlins no testing issues have occurred the team had one player out of 57 test positive for covid19 during their intake screening last week three others had previously tested positive URL a #miamimonday on #thebestofthejoeshow w @user some @user w #coachquenneville @user on who not to play for in the covid19 nba @user @user take a look into #scatology URL wait keisha has covid19 what is going on in atlanta so this is on tv and this seems pretty stupid URL florida gov ron desantis defends response to covid19 despite rising numbers URL URL fireworks #sales are booming nationwide due to covid19 URL #marketing nearly one in six britons would refuse covid19 vaccine survey URL URL as a landlord i support eviction moratoriums and rent assistance during covid19 but if governments are going to suspend rent payments they must also suspend property tax and investment property mortgage payments otherwise landlord wont have a property to help tenants with lord i see keisha girl tested positive for covid19 and ppl still out here without masks and thinking this shit is fake or that they cant get it pool sales are skyrocketing during the covid19 pandemic nobody can keep up URL this is a false choice bw doing whats right for public health international students #florida demonstrates the consequences of premature opening campuses will be a petry dish for #covid come fall remote learning must continue international students must stay #ice URL if #ppe is needed for the job an employer cant afford it what to do heres the answer URL #osha #oshareturntoworkguidance #personalprotectiveequipment #pandemic #covid #covid19 #ccg bernard perlmutter professor of law and codirector of @user suggests that the department of juvenile justice should exceed not stick to the minimum for #covid19 testing among youth in state custody #miamilaw URL reports from cuba empty buses no customers at coppelia this is how phase 1 postcovid begins in havana URL URL the governor interacted with guilfoyle who tested positive for covid19 on friday during a campaign fundraiser in south dakota on thursday the two had also reportedly been seen hugging at one point during guilfoyles visit to the state last week URL fl hospital bed weekly update july 6 2020 i now have eight days of data and can present trend information on bed occupancy and availability during past week 60106 new covid19 cases up 41 minimal impact on either measure of bed occupancy or availability stop the panic URL i find it absolutely nuts for @user to demand that all brick mortar schools reopen no later than august he cant control this covid19 spread within the state but demands the public risk there children to fulfill his whsckadoodle dreams #desantisfailedflorida im so glad to say that my 84 yo grandma who suffers from dementia myasthenia gravis has overcome a mastectomy breast removal due to signs of cancer along with two tias ministrokes is finally coming home after surviving covid19 vitamin d affects covid19 mortality URL atlanta mayor keisha lance bottoms contracts covid19 #smartnews URL the second and third largest cruise companies in the world are teaming up to develop a plan on how to safely resume operations with passengers submit it to the cdc meanwhile covid19 outbreaks among crew members continue URL in nick corderos death a reminder of covid19s unknowns by by katherine j wu via nyt new york times URL we begun opening too quickly us hospitals overwhelmed as covid19 situations carry on to surge URL #headlines had this piece about miamidades door to door neighborhood response to covid19 air nationally on npr today always happy to get actual spanish speakers on national radio doesnt happen very often especially not for domestic pieces URL #specialreport the economy is coming back covid19 deaths are declining even though cases are rising even of these two doomsayers without offering proof of covid19 mayor bottom escapes media questioning of the 8 year old girl shot dead at a protest she approved #atlanta URL floridas covid19 data and surveillance dashboard total cases 206447 positive residents 203376 hospitalizations URL the mayor of atlanta done tested positive covid19 really hitting everybody but trump wth folding@user fight against covid19 enlists big tech gamers pro soccer washington university school of medicine in st louis URL my best friend testing positive for covid19 after she hasnt gone out for shit goes to show it takes that one time #eeuu broadway actor nick cordero dies at 41 after months of covid19 URL my test came back negative for covid19 after having tested positive and i finally get to see my babies today thank you @user for prioritizing health and safety over dangerous politics we are breaking covid19 records in broward county and our teachers and students deserve so much more than the terror our governor callously insists on inflicting upon everyone in this state URL fake covid19 tests my coworker scheduled to take a test never took the test because lines were too long even with appointment a few days later she tested positive at this point is blatantly obvious that this is all political #covididiots #maga2020 @user yall must dont want covid19 to end fr democrats media are to blame for countless covid19 deaths dog URL theyre taking on covid19 the same way theyve tackled gun reform we will become the only country where these things are normal URL this will piss off a few hand wringers 50 fewer covid19 patients died when treated with hydroxychloroquine URL dont bejust be ready to fight if you have it i know sooooo many covid19 survivors URL lord please protect me and my loved ones from covid19 maybe its grover norquist that should be drowned in a bathtub :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: conservative group that rails against federal aid :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: took federal covid19 bailout aid raw story URL navigating the difficult waters of covid19 URL i leave miami 2 of them pregnant and 3 of them got covid19 smh miamidade restaurants gyms closing again under new order targeting covid19 surge miami URL house party podcast a tale of two homes designed by the property brothers plus has covid19 ruined the open floor plan URL URL majority black prison populations in maryland see disproportionate covid19 URL how entitled do you have to be to make fun of the fact that my job is taking safety measures for covid19 people are dying #covid19 #wearamask mlbs schedule presented by brand baseball is back presented by brand the mlb covid19 tests presented by brand the rob manfred shame walk sponsored by new coke trump handling of covid19 is criminal he must be removed asap before millions of americans die republican senators are complicit this is a tragedy my mom just said were getting tested for covid19 tomorrow who is we building entrepreneurs and equity in the age of covid19 a roundtable URL URL in the postpandemic world more economic activity will be designated vital to national security accelerating pressures on globalization that existed before covid19 arrived URL URL atlanta mayor says she tested positive for covid19 URL people are waiting over a week for results from their covid19 tests in south florida some up to two weeks or more how does this make any sense meanwhile they could be still getting others sick again complete failure by those in charge in handling this crisis nearshoring female leadership the role of technology in latin americas covid19 recovery and more dont miss our #bravobiz leadership conversation with blanca treviƱo of @user this thursday july 9 live webcast starts at 4 pm et URL village of key biscayne monday july 6 2020 covid19 update URL restaurants closing nonresident travel into kb of cyclistsrunnerswalkers restricted effective 1201am of july 7 2020 curfew 10p6a #kbstayhome #flattenthecurve #covid19 #wearamask URL ive been waiting for my covid19 test results for a week from cvs and all i wanna do is go buy used books at goodwill but i dont want to be a risk to the viejitos there sos floridaeastcoastnew york latinamerica multimedia governor cuomo updates new yorkers on states progress during covid19 pandemic URL URL this covid19 aint nothing but the devil international world of business multimedia countries can take steps now to rebuild from covid19 URL URL florida covid19 victims URL covid19 cases in tamarac jump past 400 in latest report URL sharon aron baron URL more than 5000 patients likely contracted coronavirus after visiting a us hospital for other reasons its a problem thats straining an already overwhelmed system URL miami isnt your covid19 getaway i havent seen one local leave the house in this heat we dont do that stop flying in report more wwe workers test positive for covid19 at least 30 positive tests total URL way to go toronto also @user alone has three times the number of covid19 hospitalizations than all of toronto canadas largest city some perspective URL its a tsunami covid19 plunges latin america back into poverty and violence URL the fact that you can have covid19 and not have any symptoms scares me so much you can easily spread it to someone else atlantas mayor tests positive for covid19 URL URL the arrogant sociopath claims that 99 covid19 are totally harmless as infection surge in 23 states another catastrophic string of false and misleading claims he continues to play down the covid19 and warning that china will be held accountable international students may need to leave us if their universities transition to onlineonly learning is this draconian action really necessary so what happens to these students when universities revert back to inperson classes postcovid19 URL extend 600 covid19 assistance at least till dec 31st please sign URL wife waited for 7 hrs at miami beach convention center to get a covid19 test turned away why is the test site not running 24hrs a day why after 4 months is this process still so horrendously executed@user you and your staff of commissioners are utterly incompetent unfortunately i personally know more than a dozen people in miami who are sick with covid19 and none of them have received a call from contact tracers URL when this #covid19 pandemic is over many many people will die many will survive with lifetime effects yet its possible most of us will have a profound respect for science some of us may come to believe in vaccinationlike its a new technology you know the #masknazis keep telling us they only want us to wear them because they will save lives and yet i dont see a single democrat leader or liberal online praising todays drop in covid19 deaths now why would that be URL more than 7000 children in #florida have tested positive for covid19 :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: URL although covid19 has made 2020 anything but normal the traditional earlycycle investing playbook may still be surprisingly relevant URL more than 100 fraternity members test positive for covid19 as colleges weigh reopening plans URL covid19 rages trump melts down and congress takes a twoweek break URL check it out we talk the tough disqualification @user as whole how covid19 might effect more sports going forward #letsdrive URL new covid19 data shows vast racial disparities across the us URL back in miami this morning and its just nonstop fireworks get me the hell out of this city covid19 miami is the worst miami ever miamid in all of miami time #thefive covid19 deaths are going down but no one is talking about that greg isright trumps covid19 response plan total surrender URL to the people who say were all getting covid19 in the future anyways yes you are right its never going away but why not have courtesy to the most vulnerable ones #thefive no one is normalizing covid19 thank you greg shut up juan the 2020 casey anthony florida mother of the year award goes to URL via rawstory just like the crazy bitch who drown her own son in a florida canal this one needs to rot in jail URL this is major news @user will not participate in the #mlsisback tournament and will withdraw due to high amount of positive covid19 results within the club #mls concerned about covid19 at july bar exam virginia cancels requirement that applicants wear ties URL communication is key during the covid19 pandemic to continue your orthopedic care some tips on different ways to communicate with your orthopedist courtesy of @user URL URL crystal clear analysis breaking down covid19 by dr kelly victory URL 3 things that can help stop the spread of covid19 URL #hcahealthcare this pea brain really said this with his whole chest meanwhile florida is the third highest state in covid19 cases URL some health experts call this the dance we open up watch the numbers and if #covid19 returns we shut back down today was the latest and largest step in that direction for #miamidade county @user #coroanvirus URL what covid19 they sure do URL already felt alone before covid19 but man yall that are in relationships count your blessings fr floridaeastcoastnew york latinamerica multimedia governor cuomo updates new yorkers on states progress during covid19 pandemic URL mexicos covid19 deaths pass 30000 worlds fifth highest total #worldnews #news URL some of yall think covid19 is a joke fr top story president diazcanel to participate in ilo global summit on covid19 and the world of work ministerio de relaciones exteriores de cuba URL see URL mad king trump is the lyingest sumnabitch that ever came down the pike URL not touching kissing hugging or holding hands w the person you love because youre both being responsible while waiting for covid19 results fucking sux it was so nice seeing him but i felt tortured the whole time new covid19 antibodies study in spain adds evidence against herd immunity URL this is why miamidade county has 2500 new covid19 cases per day URL hope you had a safe fourth of july weekend our #4 best post from the take stock in college blog features a few ways that you can make some income during the covid19 closures URL #collegesuccess #takestockincollege #resourcesforcollegestudents #collegelife URL isnt it amazing how as soon as flu season with its ready supply of pneumonia deaths collapsed covid19 mortalities disappeared URL no florida is not okay my family was covid19 exposed but there are only a couple of local options to test kids our peds office is not answering their phone so we cant get a referral the drivethru site says we can call back tomorrow and try to get an appt for next week if you could sacrifice one city in south florida to end covid19 what would it be and why westchester URL 5g progresses despite covid19 data says URL hence covid19 URL in the last week the number of cases across florida jumped by 41 percent and in palm beach county by 26 percent URL @user and @user speculated about what caused the latest spike in coronavirus cases during national television appearances they blamed the increase on residents complacency about the virus URL URL the father of the year 2020 is actor ik ogbonna of nigeria due to the covid19 coronavirus pandemic we had to do a virtual coronation it took place last night kasa champet in pembroke pines fl the international fathers association congratulates actor URL many analysts are now focused on not only the size of corporate #debt but also its structure this debt is now often pooled into securitized deals called collateralized #loan obligations or #clos #bilzinsumberg explains more via financial services watch URL URL after this week i think im done with private dining ill only be offering catering and custom order pick ups covid19 really got me scared even though i wear a mask and gloves i still have to take off my mask to make sure the flavors right it really aint worth it you realize their are positives in cancelling the #nfl season for #tua and even the @user could get lucky #bigoradioshow #finsup URL URL free covid19 testing walkup at lincoln park and drivethru at holiday park city news city of fort URL i wear a mask indoors and outdoors i refuse to let covid19 stop me from going to the polls if it is the last thing i do on this earth vote against that pure bread racist i am doing it URL students their schools should not be punished for taking covid19 seriously URL covid URL wrote this a couple years ago covid19 brought learnings but as were looking at the next normal coming soon these lessons are more important today than ever before URL #thechurchdigital #churchonline #whatsnextforchurch weve compiled some ways south floridians can protect their finances from fraud during this uncertain time #getbeyondmoney URL on july 5 opposition candidate luis abinader won the dominican republics presidency in latin americas first general elections since the arrival of covid19 @user takes a look at the results and protocols followed due to the coronavirus URL reminder if you stay home from work claiming to have covidlike symptoms for the love of god make sure you either block everyone you work with or refrain from posting instagram videos of you and your friends partying it up in vegas the people of florida really need to start uprising against @user he just doesnt get it he does whatever trump says he is not fit to handle covid19 at all he has let out state down #usarmyreserve capt holly beard an entomologist was sent to newarks university hospital to work behind the scenes and impact covid19 patients from a distance read about her experience URL 10 inspirational quotes than can improve yourself during covid19 URL the father of the year 2020 is actor ik ogbonna of nigeria due to the covid19 coronavirus pandemic we had to do a virtual coronation it took place last night kasa champet please help the international fathers association congratulate actor URL the beauty of being a digital marketer is that i can work form almost anywhere #digitalmarketers #digitalmarketing #internetmarketing # #covid #covid19 #coronavirus URL check out nicolo gerlade do as featured on the podcast by @user dr geralde shares his insights on racial injustice and a different perspective on ppe during the covid19 crisis listen now URL the entire country has reopened but irresponsible miamians have caused a resurgence in covid19 numbers so now small businesses are being ordered shut twenty people in cramped isles not a problem also protesting still allowed :female_sign: :female_sign: URL if miamidade police paramedics and correctional officers get hazard pay during covid19 emergency should bus operators commish @user says yes URL all these covid19 baby announcements URL the covid19 is the vaccine we are the virus # # # :female_sign: georgia didnt listen and now we have kids and teens with covid19 shame on you georgia :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: URL it doesnt come as a surprise that the us is threading country with covid19 cases these are the faces of all the healthcare workers worldwide who have lost their lives fighting covid19 think about dat thanks to the the current usa administration for nothing bastards URL dont burp outloud during covid19 quarantineyou never know who could be on a zoom call #alwayslistening #whoops #zoomburp #sorrydan @user what if covid19 mutated and turned democrats sane that would take some getting used to see covid19 is saving lives it has also saved a lot people with heart conditions and with lesscars on the roads it has saved lives there too URL trump wants to wreak havoc and cause more chaos he probably thinks he can somehow cancel the november elections and blame covid19 hence the delegitimization of vbm mail in ballots URL dear president trump please stop undermining healthcare professionals efforts to get people to wear mask and practice social distancing by saying that covid19 is totally harmless you are part of the problem from cradle to career unicorn childrens foundation is there for you this is why during this covid19 crisis were offering individuals with special needs thereputic educational and social programs virtually URL #getcaughtbeingkind #charity #covid19 URL estimates of the haitian population put it at about 5 of miamidades population about 10 percent of the covid19 deaths come from people of haitian descent according to a new county summary also about 25 of deaths come from black residents about 16 of population URL my goddaddy lost his battle with covid19 today he was in his 40s 2020 is wild as fuck across the jackson health system hospitals we currently have 345 inpatients who have tested positive for covid19 and we have safely discharged a total of 1067 since the pandemic began fact disinfection plans do not start and end with surface cleaning viral pathogens like covid19 are airborne as well do you have a plan to disinfect your air URL #totalcleaning #covidcleaning #covid19 #cleananddisinfect puerto rico health dept registers 537 positive covid19 test results URL the heat has had at least three players test positive for covid19 since mandatory testing began two weeks ago for players and staff with forward derrick jones jr previously testing positive for the virus during tests conducted on june 23 URL childnet awarded a 20000 grant to support vulnerable youth during the covid19 pandemic through a partnership of the humana foundation the community foundation ofbroward URL prior to the creep of coronavirus we were already talking about the incredible penetration of technology into traditional industries a worldwide stoppage and then restart due to covid19 has only accelerated this digital transformation URL check out this blog post rsjlr explores the impact that covid19 has had on the justice system check out the cost of social justice while social distancing written by membercandidate lexis graham URL URL italy once had the highest confirmed cases for covid19 and now theyre at the lowest in my opinion what really helped them was the fact that they cared enough about each other to keep each other safe i feel like the us should learn a thing or two from them URL covid19 is a threat you could unknowingly spread the disease to vulnerable people we must all take personal responsibility please take this seriously wear a mask keep your distance avoid large gatherings URL desantis downplays covid19 surge suggests it was more prevalent than state admitted URL numbers dont lie assisting with loans do you know that if you qualify your loan can be forgivable text 786 5063535 if youre a business owner thats been affected by covid19 URL what can keys do about covid19 rate possibly live with the virus health chief says URL via :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: another covid19 confrontation in florida URL democrats dont care what harm they do to children so long as they can keep up the covid19 terrorizing URL 7 hours in line in order to get tested for covid19 howannoying florida sees another record in daily covid19 cases 11458 hospitalizations continue monthlong rise URL im so tired of this covid19 hoax the swamp is alive and well trumpconnected lobbyists have raked in 10 billion in covid19 aid for corporate clients URL covid sounds like fun huh smh :male_sign: URL honestly i fear a rushed vaccine with possible sideeffects more than covid19 itself shame on you for your lack of knowledge re covid19 and interest in the fl citizensthe number of fl ppl w cv has grown by huge numbers in 2 weeksu say you arent as concerned there are some awful side effects from cv for even young pplppl do die u have 0 empathy like trump URL covidinfected kim guilfoyle attended a maskless hamptons party :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: and attendees are freaking out report URL working in coral gables at primary residential mortgage inc working to serve our community whether rain shine or covid19 fight on trojans :v: :v: :v: URL except we they still live in a systemic racist system today see small business covid19 fund dist as well as the fact that white folk dont wanna b blamed for what their great grandaddy did but u want statues 2 remain remind black of what their great grandaddy endured wow URL @user @user announcing the closing of restaurants gyms and other facilities due to covid19 spike @user URL trump slammed for lie us covid19 mortality rate is just about the lowest in the world when america is number 2 URL dump fauci covid19 is petering out URL email marketing has seen interesting changes in performance during the pandemic #emailmarketing URL florida teen dies after conspiracy theorist mom takes her to church covid19 party and tries to treat her with trumpapproved drug report URL another detained client tested positive for covid19 last week today her mother relayed to me different exercisestechniques she has been telling her daughter to reduce pain and move the fluids sitting in her lungs probably the most helpfulpractical information ive heard yet who got ppp loans list shows hollywood talent agencies law firms sagaftra and kanye wests clothing brand among recipients of covid19 relief URL URL jackson health system running low on remdesivir icu beds due to covid19 spike URL why is he allowing americans to die of covid19 and troops in the hands on putin to appease @user URL a job that has not been affected by covid19 and is thriving during this time karma bus driver wonder what the benefit package looks URL as the number of #coronavirus patients continues to rise in south florida the amount of #remdesivir a drug which has been found to help covid19 patients has run out at miamis @user system URL it seems like a lie to me i hadnt waited even five minutes at the bus stop and the bus arrived and best of all it was practically empty reports from cuba empty buses no customers at coppelia this is how phase 1 postcovid begins in havana URL cain was hospitalized less than 2 weeks after attending donald trumps campaign rally in tulsa okla he did not meet with trump there according to the campaign cain 74 was hospitalized after developing serious symptoms but is awake and alert URL reports from cuba empty buses no customers at coppelia this is how phase 1 postcovid begins in havana URL URL yes please focus on the problem that is killing and making americans ill covid19 @user URL the young bucks describe how it feels to undergo covid19 testing URL @user you illegally allowed my minor son to enter a contract and are now making it nearly impossible to cancel it your services are not even being used due to covid19 im dming with additional details and hope you will work with me to put this behind us @user currently in #miami restaurants gyms shutting down again in miamidade due to florida covid19 spike URL how awful that powerful men are giving bad info to the us citizenscovid19 cases are growingcities counties and states are closing up again to save ppl the economy will not recover until ppl can feel safe to get out and go back to work schools are making 4 different plans URL covidinfected kim guilfoyle attended a maskless hamptons party :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: and attendees are freaking out report URL i love how covid19 tests are still being gatekeeped lobbying groups have never been more crucial than today as covid19 continues to affect us all lobbyists offer an avenue to voice peoples concerns the new york housing market is about to change dramatically what do you think will happen learn more at URL URL the covid19 death rate falling must be killing the media URL aint gonna lie the more n more i stay home n be bored n shit is making feel like mannnnn maybe catching covid19 aint so bad at least i can have have 2 weeks of entertainment before i die instead of god knows how long of continuous boredom being safe at home URL alec schultz talks about the ultimate test of business interruption #insurancethe covid19 pandemicw @user accustomed to ruling on hurricane coverage fl courts have developed a body of opinions that might remove ambiguity #litigation URL if the trump base is the #silentmajority the biden base is the #noisyminority only 20 of voters selfidentify as liberals and yet to watch the news youd think they were in the majority not even close they are like covid19 10 sickness 90hype this is what you are concerned about you need your annual medical exam and we the us citizens need to see the results what you have written below shows the us you have the wrong job why arent you concerned about sickness and death in the us covid19 isnt going anywhere URL covid looking at them like URL URL i am so happy my covid19 results were negative trumps doing a good job controlling covid19 URL i gotcher depraved indifference right here URL important point from @user in presser about closing some businesses back down with rise in covid19 cases there are no metrics for going backward we were only given metrics to go forward or to not go forward @user #coronavirus #covid19 URL i been chillin but covid19 starting to stress me out like i really cant believe we going thru something like this miami restaurant dining rooms ordered closed again as covid19 spikes miami URL girlyou traveled duringafter spring break and covid19 became more serious you were quarantined in another country and came back 3 weeks later why would you travel again and get stuck in another country guyana not on uk list of 59 exempted from covid19 quarantine stabroek news URL URL crews of county employees fanned out to neighborhoods with the highest concentration of covid19 cases in southern florida bringing blue tote bags containing a reusable mask bottles of hand sanitizer and URL someone sharing his covid19 experience scary URL be aware of cyber criminals using the covid19 pandemic to trick you into clicking on malicious links or download attachments scammers may also target you with text messages or phone calls offering free covid19 testing learn how to protect yourself at URL URL i believe all the bloods got covid19 #cripwalk page six revealed on june 29 that the couple were the guests of honor at a bridgehampton house party that looked as if covid19 had never happened the paper reports our spy said there were about 100 maskless partiers including ramona singer at the URL i mean were number 1 in cases in the last 7 days URL because of our faulty leadership URL URL saluting dr otto j ike chief epidemiologist of dekalb county georgia an fiu honors college alumnus he works every day to keep his community healthy and safe during covid19 @user @user @user URL pediatrician association wants schools opened makes you wonder whether some of us are a bit too hyper anxious covid19 planning considerations guidance for school reentry URL @user is a fucking liar heres a few facts may 6 floridas percent positive of covid19 tests 79 jun 6 floridas percent positive of covid19 tests 54 jul 6 floridas percent positive of covid19 tests 92 the total number of tests does not impact URL 59 new covid19 cases in marion county sunday URL many restaurants and bars have introduced service extensions such as delivery and takeout options as well as popup grocery stores heres a look the future of food in the postcovid world #restuaranttrends URL URL covid gonna off her URL i came here to dania beach sc and this is the protocol at arrival 1 scan qr code 2 fill out a quick form 3 wait in the car and someone will come to you great move from @user in covid19 times URL we should be proactive instead of reactive i warned about a 2nd wave if we opened too soon now mayor announced closureswhich i commend however to #flattenthecurve we need more tests #stayhome aggressive contact tracing isolation strategies URL is it fucked up to snitch on someone who i believe has covid there are so many prison farming communities facing the covid19 pandemic severely under resourced but still ignorant often whiteaffluent people are choosing to eat out attend events stop being reckless choose safety so those who dont get to choose can stand a chance number of covid19 patients in icu state by state URL im honestly so annoyed with everyone turning covid19 into a political thing like stfu you are missing great promotions click here URL #stayhome #healthylife #vitamins #immunesystem #moringa #stronghealthsystem URL how a marlins player helped save his alma maters baseball program amid covid19 cuts URL floridas speaker of the house to impeach governor ron desantis for neglecting his duty to protect floridians from covid19 sign the URL 1 predictable why i have yet to reactivate my gym memberships 2@user blames residents but note that he fails to mention mixed messagesfalse securities given to the public by both @user those who continue to call #covid a hoax #stayhome #miami #florida URL nhl says nine more players tested positive for covid19 URL trumps floor collapsed when covid19 hit his base URL cms innovation center covid19 flexibilities centers for medicare medicaid services cms URL more than 7000 children in florida have tested positive for covid19 URL ask congress to support the arts and to provide covid19 arts relief sign the URL just did my covid19 test staff there confirmed that an id is needed us or foreign for the test to retrieve results you need ss or id # this makes no sense as it prevents undocumented immigrants from getting results @user @user @user @user URL mattingly said hes fairly confident on playing season amid covid19 i feel like theres still some kinks that were working out with testing and getting results back but i am confident that well get that together and get this thing off the ground #marlins @user reposted from panoramatower we are excited to announce that purple orchid is open in the cyber cafe located on the 18th floor of panorama tower due to certain covid19 restrictions inplace they will be URL #breaking #newsreport cdcs diagnostic multiplex assay for flu and covid19 and supplies URL via #cdc my mom and dad has tested positive for covid19 this cant be life right now welp i am covid19 negative for now so thats good gop have always known they cant win by popular vote 9999 are scum illiterate and modern bums which could not depend in an honest life to make a living of course they want the spread of covid19 it deflects attention it will be a pleasure to see them loose in 2020 vote a number of miami heat players and staff participated in video conferences with reporters last week june 29 july 5 also two heat players tested positive for covid19 and the nba released its scrimmage schedule heres what you may have missed URL cuomo says trump is facilitating coronavirus urges him not to be a coconspirator of covid19 just wondering is anybody really stupid enough to believe this deflection from cuomos mismanagement of the disease URL we have a confirmed case of covid19 but dont worry we will sanitize thoroughly so you can still show up to work #farrakhan did tell the world on 7420 as of today florida is ranked #3 in the us with 10k confirmed covid19 cases URL when trump says great it means not great at all if its fake news its 100 fact if something is down its on the way up and if he is speaking its completely untrue translated covid19 deaths will be going up our testing is horrible doesnt the lead the world URL i for one do not want to see trump wearing a mask better chance he will have to deal with covid19 and at his age and obese frame almost certain death i feel like the only reason miami has so many covid19 cases is because the tourists are not being precautious minnesota ironman who beat covid19 back in training URL trump has the power to scare people into taking covid19 seriously instead hes waving it off like its no big deal it saddens me covid19 spike vs spin part URL watch miami heat center @user press conference on :black_small_square: teammates with covid19 :black_small_square: his health status and excitement to compete :black_small_square: earninghisstartingroleback :black_small_square: playersusingtheirplatforminorlando :black_small_square: URL watch miami heat center @user press conference on :black_small_square: teammates with covid19 :black_small_square: his health status and excitement to compete :black_small_square: earninghisstartingroleback :black_small_square: playersusingtheirplatforminorlando :black_small_square: URL michael cohen who was released to house arrest over covid19 fears is spotted dining at nyc restaurant URL covid numbers arent what they seem but look at the percentage and dont tell me we shouldnt be freaking out i didnt know anyone was considering herd immunity could be attained for covid19 without a vaccine its a brand new pathogen how would that even occur over the span ofmonths according to my aunt you only have covid19 if you die and everyone thats getting the virus and doesnt is being stupidshes annoying me when you dont realize covid19 is a virus instead of a bacteria URL new covid19 antibodies study in spain adds evidence against herd immunity URL i would rather not be tested for covid19 every 2 days URL global experts warn of covid19 airborne threat URL attached is a full update regarding the #bahamaspokerrun as #covid19 cases continue to pose a national #healththreat we must postpone this event for the safety of all participants click to see what steps were taking to make this event happen #fpc URL athletics gm david forst livid amid covid19 test delays URL and we will give you an update on the allstars who tested positive for covid19 all that and more on this week in baseball melallen meyers leonard wants people to stop being soft about the bubble and taking covid19 tests URL palm beach county june 6 covid19update URL how getting a facial will change after covid19 lockdowns :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: investigation URL URL getting tired of the lazy liberal arts majors toying around with excel scaring everyone about covid19 download all the data for yourself URL do your own analysis i bet you can do better than any of these other doomsayers #covid19 #floridacovid more my focus question of the day are there any districtsstates that have a dedicated #covid testing site for teachers specifically the childcare workers who are essential in order for people to get back to work in the spirit of economic recovery or nah after that i honestly no longer have an opinion on covid19 nor the pandemic attention residents please read the following press release regarding a positive covid19 case in the citys building dept and the actions taken by the city effective july 6 2020 URL when you see you have over 80 hours of pto accumulated but cant go nowhere outside the country thanks to covid19 URL its online our new column published by the harvard business review italia magazine URL URL anato reveals new survey on the postcovid19 traveler URL sadly tempering expectations significant side effects seen in early trial of #covid19 vaccine URL pga cancels plans for fans at memorial cites changing covid19 pandemic URL covid is still active the only thing that changed is that you have permission to go look for it :female_sign: sick of these n covid19 ughh @user as of july 06 2020 there are 1539 covid19 positive cases in miami beach fl early covid19 tracking apps easy prey for hackers and it might get worse before it gets better URL our analyses suggest that the official tally of deaths due to covid19 represent a substantial undercount of the true burden dan weinberger an epidemiologist at yale school of public health and a lead author of the study told cnbc URL us insurers cutting telehealth coverage as covid19 cases surge URL rp @user to my friends please go get tested for covid19 24 democrat governors 26 republican governors out of 132568 covid19 deaths 94700 occurred in states with democrat governors if you add mass gop gov but major city where deaths occurred has a dem mayor :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: that total jumps to 102883 deaths fact state dept march 8 americans should avoid cruises due to increased risk of covid19 infection cdc on june 3 high risk of covid19 on cruises norwegian ceo in interview sunday done correctly a cruise ship can be among the safest places on earth URL broward takes new steps and fines to enforce covid19 restrictions cbs miami URL mayor carlos a gimenez closes miami gyms restaurants amid covid19 surge URL #benghaziaintgoingaway 24 democrat governors 26 republican governors out of 132568 covid19 deaths 94700 occurred in states with democrat governors if you add mass gop gov but major city where deaths occurred has a dem mayor that total jumps to 102883 deaths fact i bet shell contract covid19 in prison URL this how yall females look going out and partying during covid19 lmaooo URL as florida sets recordsfor covid19 cases health authorities often fail to do contact tracing URL yall want to sit here and play the blame game on your friends when you get covid19 but aint no body told your ass to be out in the first place so due to a positive covid19 case at the building deptwhich is temporarily located on the third floor of the community center we will be shutting down our summer camp program effective today see press release attachedplease stay safe everyone URL months of trial and error in the icu offer clues on how to save covid19 patients URL yo ive been s t u c k at home all damn weekend because my doctor decides that my allergy symptoms covid19 my results should have came back today so i could go to work this morning nope nothingnada everybody around me catching covid completed er binge first time watching the show little did i think when i started it almost 4 months ago as a quarantine show we would still be where we are with covid19 earlier seasons 15 are on another level but very solid the rest of the 15 URL nhl says nine more players tested positive for covid19 URL ofc i tested positive w covid19 i suggest everyone say their last words to me before rona sweeps meaway the mantra that we are all in this together in the campaign against the spread of covid19 belies how divided we really are #systemicracism #healthdisparities URL rise in covid19 cases hospitalizations forces mayor of miamidade county to close restaurants gyms and other places again after they were open for about seven weeks beaches reopen tomorrow after july 4th hiatus with a warning URL i have 22500 units of kn95 masks left i can sell any quantity and deliver anywhere paezm@user #masks #office #covid so i guess c stands for cool because i dont have covid19 guess i havent caught it yet because i dont have antibodies either major thanks to @user for getting us tested :red_heart: #corona #covid19 URL now that businesses are starting to reopen we wanted to share some general information about current office operations check out this guide from the american dental association for navigating your next dental appointment URL URL now that businesses are starting to reopen we wanted to share some general information about current office operations check out this guide from the american dental association for navigating your next dental appointment URL URL are you encountering a problem using the irss covid19related get my payment tool full report URL URL what we imagine becomes what we build its time to outline possible futures people can rally for rather than fear this article by @user outlines how we can learn from the #coronavirus crisis and build a healthier future for all URL i just want these covid19 results already florida rep @user who tested positive for covid19 says the states contact tracing system is a dud at least based on his experience makes me wonder about how many have had similar experiences URL you should be moving with the idea that everyone has covid this should have been what was said way back in january lol since they said covid19 was floating around in miami during the superbowl URL those of you who have tested positive for covid19 and are now fully recovered plz consider donating plasma to help current covid19 patients who might be in need of it to fight off the virus miamidade restaurants gyms closing again under new order targeting covid19 surge URL can someone anyone who lives in reality understand why @user can say with a straight face we have done a great job on covid19 when we have had had 100000 cases in two weeks how much coke must you inhale to lie like this anyone #resigndesantis #covidiot :warning: a city employee has tested positive for covid19 and out of an abundance of caution we have closed the aquatics complex mullins pool and cypress pool facilities until further notice more details URL i was covid19 tested today as part of my preop for next weeks surgery it was no fun it reminded me of when you accidentally get chlorine pool water up your nose and it burns for a bit and your eyes water 161 thats how much companies across industries have seen customer service inquiries increase since feb 1 more @user data on how covid19 is impacting customer service is here URL things you shouldnt do in 2020 1 be a racist 2 spread covid19 3 play a destro warlock 4 be a sexual predator its funny how the spring breakers that couldnt care less about covid19 were made fun of yet thats exactly how everyone started to act about the situation when everything reopened great job florida praying for those whove lost a loved one due to covid19 recently :red_heart: wear your masks outside this is so sadplease ok covid19 you done took my summer but cool out before christmas i beg covid cases are going up in states that reopened omg me URL the player did not test positive for covid19 its strictly due to family reasons URL covid19 has left a strain on many financially and branches is here to help you can reach out to financial wellness at branches for assistance contact us today URL basketball was supposed to start by the end of this month again but now with covid19 getting worse it might not and im so upset ive been in atlanta for the past 5 days and mfs really dgaf about covid19 lol wth miami restaurants ordered to close after covid19 numbers spike URL walking into durkins on the first thursday postcovid URL miamidade restaurants gyms closing again under new order targeting covid19 surge i applaud their mayor in recognizing the danger this virus poses URL dont go party like covid19 aint real and then complain cus we re getting shut down navigate the path forward through covid19 challenges with the experience of dr roger parrott a 32 year university president in our webinar series URL URL in response to the covid19 pandemic changes to the fedex atp rankings have been made to preserve the principles of merit fairness and mobility in an attempt to apply a similar approach to the normal atp rankings URL so very easy for mayor gimenez to put blame on the people and protestors for miamidade covid19 spikes instead accepting his own lack of response and responsibility URL its all fun and games till covid19 takes one of your family members or even yourself keep playing high off my covid19 ft ariana grande um URL 1 week til i get to marry the woman of my dreams @user its going to take more than covid19 and quarantines to keep us away from that courthouse #tyingtheknot URL hows your fitness during #covid your diet your supplementation your immune system dont guess get checked and get actionable data URL ok we are all tired first covid19 then a new h1n1 and now the mfing black death the city will continue offering free walkup covid19 testing in partnership with the department of health through july 31 located at tamarac recreation center on tuesdays wednesdays and thursdays from 9 am 4 pm a mask and id are required appointments are not accepted URL called the local news wsvn channel 7 they told me they cannot cover the protestors and the possible spread of covid here to help contact @user at 5613618677 if you have questions about a personal injury case or covid19 related legal issues #mondaymotivation #attorney #coronavirusupdates #lawandorder URL what would happen to covid19 even with a vaccine @user @user #coronavirus as parents nationwide wonder if its safe to send kids back to day care texas is grappling with a surge of covid19 casesof those infected 894 were staff members and 441 were children @user @user @user URL #msv help prevent the spread of covid19 and protect the most vulnerable in florida by avoiding the three cs 1 closed spaces with poor ventilation 2 crowded places with many people nearby 3 closecontact settings such as closerange conversation URL friday was the 1st time i have seen my family since feb due to the covid19 in miami it was necessary to self quarantine they live only 10 minutes away then i realizedthat trumps bungled response to covid19 has affected all our lives he has endangered the lives of all of us takeaway quote spains largescale study on the coronavirus indicates just 5 of its population has developed antibodies strengthening evidence that a socalled herd immunity to covid19 is unachievable the medical journal the lancet reported URL covid19 negative :white_check_mark: im sick and tired of this damn covid19 already second time shutting down cause yall cant stay at yall cribs ridiculous the latest public policy and healthcare updates from europe provided by rpp group is now available to view keep up with the latest covid19 updates in europe here URL URL pretty sure i had covid19 when i turned 20 last year in december i was in a bed throwing up for such a long time my sister ended up in the hospital im ready to do the blood test to confirm it sir thats covid19 URL meyers leonard on taking the covid19 test come on people its not that bad can we toughen up a little bit test results came in i officially dont have covid19 lets gooooo tbh the covid19 test doesnt hurt if youre putting off going bc youre scared just go this how covid19 hit me part 2 lol URL i am sure covid19 will get the name of sarps severe acute respiratory pneumonia syndrome once their is a vaccine we can start to find ways to get past this if we can get a vaccine by the beginning of 2021 that will be awesome #covid19 #covidvaccine2021 beir accounting income tax inc discusses tips to keep your business afloat during covid19 in our new blog post learn more via URL who are you who gave u the right to decide who lives and who die watch the video please farrakhan #billgatesbillgates is plotting to depopulate the earth with covixx19 vaccine @user @user @user @user @user URL to prep for a complicated flu season fda greenlights cdcs combined influenza covid19 test URL lifescience zone thinkeen URL learn more about tips to keep your business afloat during covid19 on mytaxguru llc new blog post URL miami based ivy accounting tax advisors publishes new blog post covering tips to keep your business afloat during covid19 URL accountech solutions discusses tips to keep your business afloat during covid19 in our new blog post learn more via URL schaffer zeigen cpa pllc discusses tips to keep your business afloat during covid19 in our new blog post learn more via URL im not seeing as reporter how the most vulnerable are protected in fl seniors who are completely isolated are being sent to nursing homes with all sorts of problems from high covid19 cases deaths to problem reports from @user watch presser URL welcome to the land of the free however the beaches will still be open smh :female_sign: :female_sign: i can order takeout because apparently covid19 could be on your plate URL im surprised they didnt release death row inmates because they might catch covid19 URL hisundial is live on @user today on the show :emoji_not_identified_31-FE0F-20E3: @user joins us on broward countys response to covid19 :_emoji_not_identified_U32 U20E3_: should we change the name of a county or city linked to a person who represents slavery :emoji_not_identified_33-FE0F-20E3: @user helps fund ideas to make the URL the isolation centers that @user just mentioned in presser are highly concerning in south florida one of them avante at boca is on @user own watch list another nspire made lauderhills officials upset it was chosen due to high number of covid19 deaths cases desantis says florida not going back on reopening as covid19 cases surge URL coronavirus greece britain to resume flights from july 15 as covid19 rules eased URL #msv wearing a cloth face covering correctly can help prevent the spread of covid19 to others when you go out on essential trips follow these dos if you have a child remember those under age 2 should not wear a face covering URL i already accomplish the first goal of the day move to next goal and i you didnt accomplish put that goal the next day #execute #goalsetting #blessed #quarantinelife #quarantine #cuarentena #covid19 im sick of covid19 and all of these politics landlordtenant covid19 its illegal in most states for a landlord to evict a tenant wout obtaining official permission from a court to do so if your landlord is throwing you out of your rental unithome wout first going to court contact a lawyer to protect your rights URL urban core residents and stakeholders we need to take these covid19 numbers and warnings seriously yours and the rest of your neighbors health and safety depend on how you act #staysafe #physicaldistancing #wearamask #community #weareinthistogether #miami #miamidade #citizenship URL farrakhan bill gates is plotting to depopulate the earth with covid19 vaccine URL #qanons @user #qdrops thevirus canbe cure with3 aspirines 1 shot of whiskyor vodka and 1week antibiotic and anti inflammatory ibuprothe people whodie are the ones got vac who can afford covid19 right now i mean URL first day off work and trying to wild out but the way covid19 set up :male_sign: margate covid19 business complaints and warnings #margatenews #ourmargate #togetherwemakeitgreat #margateliving #margatefloridaresidents URL employee experience is more important than ever during the covid19 pandemic #employeeexperience via URL URL covid19 prevention use digital thermometer cod price 2800 moq apply contact us by whatsapp 1 305 7949424 URL #ventasalmayor #prevention #prevencion #coronavirus #covid19 #digitalthermometer #thermometer #termometro URL for guidance on how #nonprofit organizations can collaborate online when working from home check out this webinar brought to you by @user this ondemand webinar addresses top questions customers are asking during #covid19 @user URL well this would be a shitstorm for the nfl if it happened URL #homeless walk #toronto wed july 8th during covid19 needed more orgs are closed people are not getting the help many tents in toronto use your hands your :red_heart: not a pay cheques people need love to lift up pray not URL coworker just got tested positive for covid19 what do i do hmmm this ones tricky i say they start off the covid19 story but then say it was a preexisting condition that did her in URL miamidade restaurants gyms closing again under new order targeting covid19 surge URL if you got covid19 at the gym message me im tryna see something i am tickled at the likes of trump and governor desantis of florida who scramble to cover their incompetence by talking about testing listening to them you would conclude that the covid19 virus sits on the end of the testing swabs being used can you even get regular sick anymore bitch everything covidrelated i hate reading shit about how the spike in cases is due to young people like hello young people are the ones working your grocery stores your fast food places your shitty jobs that are considered essentials and pay minimum wage fuck off dude #covid the fact that everything is reclosing is good lets try to get these covid19 cases to go down so that everything can be better in the long run diplomacy in the time of #covid #eu #europe reengage after failed dc attemptthaci indictment lets see if washington lit a proactive fire in #brussels also id like a #zoom invite to this or a link to the recording #kosovo #serbia #france #germany #deutschland URL covid19 cases in margate police #margatenews #ourmargate #togetherwemakeitgreat #margateliving #margatefloridaresidents URL you wont win a reelection after the botch job youve done with covid19 we will vote you out @user 2021 is starting to look like it will be canceled according to data compiled by johns hopkins university us officials and scientists are hopeful a vaccine to prevent covid19 will be ready in the first half of 2021 his dumbass shouldve kept the county closed to begin with @user but now hospitals are flooded with covid19 positives URL rip for a great american patriot how long till msm blames it on covid19 URL 24 states have democrat governors 26 states have republican governors out of 132568 covid19 deaths 94700 occurred in states with democrat governors if you add mass gop gov but major city where deaths occurred has a dem mayor :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: that total jumps to 102883 deaths fact reading @user 22 states where #covid19 is spreading fastest slowest july 6 URL putting the covid19 surge in florida in context #flattenthefear :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: URL reading @user 5 states see record hospitalizations scientists question @user stance on indoor transmission :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: 6 #covid19 updates URL miamidade county mayor carlos gimenez continues to retreat from reopening faced w alarming surge in #covid cases making this the epicenter of fl crisis we want to ensure that our hospitals continue to have the staffing necessary to save lives together 40 years next month plus dog years for 4 month covid19 homestay my plate chock full of greens sprouts some conversion taking place on my husbands plate farm fresh greens peeking out from the corner URL florida mom wrapped up on qanon conspiracy theories takes healthy daughter to covid19 party the daughter got the disease and mom treated her with trumps snake oil she died URL reading @user #covid19 and hospital capacity 5 key updates out of florida texas california and arizona URL this hoe covid19 needs to get tf and they just dont wont see the waste in law enforcement resources and potential danger of calling the cops for all minor covid19 violations URL as the number of covid19 cases spike in florida businesses are ordered to close up beginning wednesday URL miami dade is shutting down restaurants again amid covid19 spike breaking miamidade is closing restaurants and gyms again amid spike in covid19 cases URL live florida gov ron desantis is giving an update on covid19 at uf health in the villages florida URL i really didnt realize how bad people were struggling through this covid19 thing financially if you in a position to help someone do it very hard for my energies to be positive when the irresponsible ers who feel like they dont need to wear a mask and spread the covid19 and ignore guidelines cause the mayor to shut it down again the day my job is scheduled to open im over 2020 crazy working the covid19 unit and taking care of someone who im trying to wean off o2 completely watching him recover and my other patient in complete respiratory distress who is breathing 30min hr sustaining in the 130s nonverbal unarouseable who i barely kept alive #homeless walk honour those in addiction years doing it for those endured lots good people sorrow got them downhad big dreams did lots to help others during covid19 does know places to eat so its actually worst URL miamidade mayor closes restaurants gyms and other facilities as covid19 cases rise URL @user due to the spike in covid19 cases miamidade county will close restaurants except for takeout and delivery services gyms and fitness centers party venues and shortterm rentals effective july 8th to read the mayors press release go to URL URL covid cases continue to go up putin puts bounties on us troops trump URL hickory covid19 industry resources web page now live on our website hickory global partners has created this page as an allinone covid19 resource for our membership URL #hickoryglobalpartners #covid19industryresources #travelindustryresources URL qr codes are starting to gain favor again with touchless ordering and ecommerce due to covid19 URL restaurants gyms shutting down again in miamidade due to florida covid19 spike URL @user miamidade restaurants gyms closing again under new order targeting covid19 surge URL when trump said that 99 of the positive testing results from covid19 are harmless he was lying there is no nuance or artful language dissonance to explain what he said it was a lie period a total unmitigated lie #biden2020 URL the cases of #covid has increased and you never know who might have it will you like to know if your employees have it tell them to download the #covid tracking app contact #hazeytech for any help URL dont gorge on polls that show biden ahead covid19 and voter suppression boost trumps odds URL due to the spike in covid19 cases miamidade county will close restaurants except for takeout and delivery services gyms and fitness centers party venues and shortterm rentals effective july 8th to read the mayors press release go to URL URL a member of my grandmas book club passed away from covid19 shes sad and now im worried someone tested positive for covid19 at my grandmas nursing home and theyre not letting us take her out ya right im about to mask up and kidnap her lmfaoooo got me fucked up asf 1227et 6 july 2020 the us has 250 of worldwide reported covid19 deaths URL nhl announces 23 cases of covid19 among 396 players participating in phase 2 with more than 2900 tests administered league also confirms that since june 8th 12 players that are not participating in phase 2 have tested positive for covid19 URL its been six weeks since i had a haircut very short i think a lot of my hairs have decided to stay in #quarantine due to #covid19 do you think theyll come back or is this the new normal hotdog URL @user was right with #covid19 you have to have the will to fight this thing if not careful itll take the fight out of you always knew i was living amongst idiots in florida but covid19 just bringing them out the woodworks miamidade restaurants gyms closing again under new order targeting covid19 surge URL i see eye to eye with mr cooper on many things but this tactic seems childish and antidemocracy denying people who want to go the ability to go only way i can defend this is a covid19 defense tactic though the obvious motivation is to troll the candidate and his base URL miamidade restaurants gyms closing to fight covid19 surge miami URL when ur school isnt requiring covid19 tests for returning students are udumb are you liquidating your investments this one mistake could cost you next year during tax time URL share this with everyone you know having a hard time because of covid19 for partnership relations email URL miamidade restaurants gyms closing again under new order targeting covid19 surge URL share this with everyone you know having a hard time because of covid19 for partnership relations email URL a historical traumainformed approach to covid19 this resource shares ways to support communities experiencing multiple traumas during the coronavirus covid19 pandemic URL URL share this with everyone you know having a hard time because of covid19 for partnership relations email URL lets prevent covid19 #coronavirus #covid19 #socialdistancing #washyourhands #staysafe URL these cpg brands are responding to covid19 by identifying ways to implement contactless delivery URL and if youre purposelly withholding information about you being covid19 positive realize that its not a freaking scarlett letter being honest saves lives it helps with contact tracing be a grown ass adult #endrant actor nick cordero had his leg amputated in april because of #covid he died this weekend only 41 years old healthy and with so much life ahead of him dont play russian roulette and wear a mask wash your hands miamidade mayor closes restaurants gyms and other facilities as covid19 cases rise URL miami is closing down again due to coronavirus spikes our positive vibes go out to all locations affected by this measure it will get better miami :_emoji_not_identified_U2060_: :_emoji_not_identified_U2060_: #miami #thingstodo #experiences #tours #attractions #tourism #travel #discover #explore #thetixs #covid URL cyberattacks are increasing due to covid19 hackers are using new ways to trick people learn why cyber hygiene is critical during the covid19 era URL #cyberhygene #cybersafety #cybersecurity #covid19 URL share this with everyone you know having a hard time because of covid19 URL i see everyone going to these covid19 central underground raves i knew yall was dirty but this just solidified it even more this is tragic we have a serious mental health problem in this country cypress lake high school student carsyn leigh davis dies of covid19 URL friendly reminder that the government gives no fucks about your safety concerns for covid19 they care about your money which is of no use to you if you die its fucking selfish that restaurants hours are being affected bc of covid19 yet the governor is opening beaches for the publics enjoyment #restaurants #gyms shutting down again in #miamidade due to florida covid19 spike URL trump playbook distraction misdirection division you might think that the bubba wallace issue wouldnt rise to the attention of the president until you realize hed rather talk about @user than 132000 dead americans3 million covid19 cases or 30 million unemployed URL with businesses reopening across the country here are 5 ways to help employees handle stress during #covid19 URL URL how weve handled covid19 URL here is the full statement from miamidade county mayor carlos a gimenez on additional closures related to covid19 surge URL is #coralsprings doing enough to reduce the spread of coronavirus in community the candidates in nov 3 city commission races have lots of thoughts and new ideas to keep residents safer URL a strategic approach to change management can empower #healthsystems to dramatically improve their financial health URL #sunbelthp #revcycle #rcm #patientpaymentexperience news and notes womanist research during this double pandemic given the impact of covid19 on research particularly qualitative research and public protests to end police violence these kinds of conferences and conversations are essential URL no evidence that vitamin d can prevent or treat covid19 a review from health experts in the united kingdom has found no evidence that vitamin d deficiency is independent risk factor for covid19 URL #insurance #health #business #hookups #tanning #sunshine URL if masks prevent the spread of covid19 why didnt they just give dangerous criminals masks instead of releasing them from prison restaurants gyms shutting down again in miamidade due to florida covid19 spike URL covid mortality rate 30day average florida peaked 46 days ago at 624 now it is at 077 we are getting much better at treating covid19 and protecting vulnerable populations URL how covid19 has affected digital transformation #transformation #digital via URL URL texas medical association ranks activities by covid19 risk level URL #cios entered 2020 with #tech goals in mind covid19 upended their plans URL URL miami dade will continue to roll back business openings due to a spike in positive covid19 cases and hospitalizations the rollback continues as covid19 cases spike and more intensive care beds are filled in miamidade county URL july 15 tax return deadline is right around the corner what to know the traditional april income tax deadline was extended this year until july 15 for 2019 tax returns due to the upheaval created by covid19 URL #gccig #globalleasingalliance #taxdeadline URL how might covid19 affect sustainable investing more from cnbc URL im seriously laughing at everyone that is mad that everything is closing again with someone that has covid19 let me just say feel blessed andstfu when your arab nose is so big you have to get covid19 tested like 3 times in the span of 72 hours restaurants gyms shutting down again in miamidade due to florida covid19 spike URL does any of yall know someone that has covid19 personally i just wanna see something the data is the most detailed yet about the program which is the federal governments primary covid19 relief effort for small business and its release follows weeks of legal challenges by major media companies seeking public access to the data :_emoji_not_identified_U200B_: URL one of my dumbass 1824 year old relatives in miami went to a party and got covid19 and now the family is quarantined bro pero your parents raised you better than this :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user why did you leave out the fact that protesters fit this demographic contributed to spike are you banning protests in dade as well why should law abiding people suffer if you r serious about containing covid19 contain the protests URL latest covid19 numbers over 200000 florida cases deaths surpass 3600 URL how i look pulling up to the gym while covid19 cases keep rising here in florida URL due to covid19 we will be postponing my pastoral installation stay tuned for the new date URL miamidade restaurants gyms closing again under new order targeting covid19 surge URL miamidade restaurants gyms closing again under new order targeting covid19 surge URL this is how covid19 hit me URL breaking miamidade restaurants gyms closing again under new order targeting covid19 surge URL miamidade is closing restaurants wednesday only takeout delivery 6336 new fl cases it took 3 mos to cross 100k new covid19 cases and less than 2 weeks for the state to go from 100k to 200 k :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: the positive test rate keeps rising #covid19 URL wear a mask restaurants gyms shutting down again in miamidade due to florida covid19 spike #miami #covid URL here we go again @user mayor orders second shutdown amid covid19 spike restaurant dining rooms to close along with gyms and banquet halls effective july 8 full statement here URL great deal for covid19 times eat healthy economically and boost your immune system :white_check_mark: #coralgables #healthyfood #wedeliver #organic #smoothies #miami #juices #organiccoffee #cbd #acaibowls URL upmc latest hospital system to report q1 loss due to covid19 URL URL trump is scooping up the worlds remdesivir its a sign of things to come #worldnews #news URL miami is fucked once again fml i need my life back im not one to complain but fuck you covid19 covid isnt going anywhere lmao closing shit down again is just pointless man dr annette la greca a distinguished professor of psychology at the university of miami is conducting a study on risk and resilience during covid19 adults living in florida who are at least 18 years of age are eligible to participate URL URL literally everyone in miami is getting covid19 left and right dont be that dumbass that complains about public places shutting down again good now if the rest of florida would follow suit maybe we could get rid of this and ill remind you again to wear your mask you can breathe in it you will be fine wearing it dont let anxiety or politics cloud your judgement URL covid might suck but ive never been happier than i am right now remember to count yourblessings just 4 weeks ago @user took a victory lap on covid19 he reopened too soon just to please donald trump ron desantis now were forced to shut down again this is failed leadership our community deserves better URL lets talk about how i was supposed to have some furniture delivered today and its not going to happen because 58 of the delivery drivers from the company are sick and are waiting results back from their covid19 tests bitchi wont be breathing at all if u get me sick bc i take is medication for my chronic illness u have literally 0 brain cells just say youre a inept bigot go literally nobody wants ur bacteria also saw ur tweet where u thought covid19 was a bacterial URL with schools and churches closed the left had to go back to covid19 couldnt send their assassins into their favorite locales for staged mass shootings coronavirus florida reports 6336 new cases of covid19 and 47 resident deaths URL secretary of the us department of health human services @user has an update on the administrations response to covid19 at 1150 listen to @user live URL covid testing in miramar line was moving slowly but steadily from 8 am to 10 then just stopped we have not moved in over 90 minutes what the hell a florida mother took her highrisk teenage daughter to a covid19 party at their church tried treating the girl at home with unproven drugs when she got sick :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: and then hailed her as a patriot after she died URL closed testing sites lead to drop in florida covid19infections URL restaurants gyms shutting down again in miamidade due to florida covid19 spike URL covid been out since last year november you telling me no progress on a vaccine we have literally zero leadership when it comes to covid19 like they put us in phases we do them and theres a huge spike and we are shut back down like back to day one so lmk when theres going to be a plan for life to continue semi regularly covid19 cdc estimates that the mortality rate is 026 overall and 0022 for under 55s that is 1 death for every 45000 enough to shut down economy and country fear and lies are the real virus question everything :bangbang: #timetowakeup #q #qanons #wwg1gwa #sheepnomore dr scott jensen a minnesota physician and republican state senator told a local station he received a 7page document coaching him to fill out death certificates with a covid19 diagnosis without a lab test to confirm the patient actually had the virus URL buy 1 get 2 free local no contact pick up available visit URL lets stay safe together #dt #like #support #supportblackbusiness #mask #covid #bob #share #red #black #green #kenteallday #melaninpoppin #blm #florida #shoplocal @user URL just in on wednesday @user is closing indoor dining at restaurants gymsfitness centers shortterm rentals ballroomsbanquets due to increasing covid19 cases beaches reopen tuesday but @user says he will close them if people dont follow guidelines URL 55 employees of tsa mia airport have covid19 one of them died last week apple is reclosing even more of its us retail network in response to covid19 spikes URL #totalcleaning #covidcleaning #covid19 #cleananddisinfect looking for a #covid19 test site in south florida URL stop shaming people for enjoying things you can get covid19 anywhere so enjoy going to vegas or walmart is the dumbest take i have ever seen you are literally normalizing covid19 to excuse ur travels go fuck yourself going to the dentist for the first time since covid19 and whewwwwww this anxiety over being out aint it its wellknown that things will change for hotels and the hospitality industry overall in a postcovid world designwise but what about the guest experience #valleyforgefabrics #welcometothevalley URL it is time to address airborne transmission of covid19 doi 101093cidciaa939 just published in cid and worth a read #covid19 #covid #sarscov2 URL in response to rising covid19 cases miamidade county will close restaurants event halls and gyms can yall please stay home if you feel sick or know youve been exposed to covid19 or socially distance yourself when you do step out also wear a mask so we can have a better year next year asking formyself has @user apologized for being responsible for over 130000 deaths of americans due to covid19 URL wttc and carnival corporation present scientific summit on covid19 URL when people start to blame the players for mlb ending up canceled this season laugh at them when people try to blame the owners for mlb ending up canceled this season laugh at them too this is the fault of our countrys covid19 policies and that alone 3 years ago today was the beginning of a 3 city tour that i took my choir on honestly that tour changed my life those young people changed my life and im forever grateful for them and the many experiences weve had after covid19 i have one more tour left in me im back from vacation yall getting up to speed with all i missed if we havent spoken in awhile because of covid19 please reach out lets chat new guide up on frayed passport for how to travel or not during covid19 URL #covid #coronavirus #traveltips #stayhome #wearamask #washyourhands URL there are really no words to describe the audacity of harvard admin rn not reducing tuition expecting us to be online for the full year the largest uni endowment w that covid19 grant that wont cover anything theyre ridiculous disrespectful thats all i have to say no words the beauty about tech is that leaders outperform every year and actually benefit from covid19 which has accelerated the digital transformation by several years amzn msft goog aapl are basically worth double alltime high profits plus zero rates for 35 years qqq300 breaking miamidade county is closing restaurants :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: with the exception of delivery and takeout services :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: as a result of the spike in covid19 cases URL while #florida is experiencing a spike in cases dr noam koenigsberg recommends for all his clients to watch the news for only 10 minutes early in the day i if you are having trouble coping with the chaotic times call dr k 3059852161 he is seeing clients remotely #covid URL minnesota doctor who revealed hospitals get paid more for covid19 patients is now being investigated by the state URL tested negative for covid19 and i want it to remain that way so all you niggers stay from near me or u will get clapped new miamidade mayor carlos gimenez announces restaurants except for take outdelivery gymsfitness centers party venues and short term rentals must shutdown again starting on wednesday because of the covid19 surge teach love games want an alternative to zoom 3 instructors share their experience using discord for education #edtech #highered #discord URL mark @user #fakenews docs words next year covid19 mortality rate will be a little bit lower @user @user @user mortality rate is 4 today it will be a lot lower next year mark my words @user @user @user @user @user URL blockchain cannabis covid19 evs we all know how this ends be safe everyone riot cron apt ino mrna tslawkhssoloayro #breaking miamidade orders the closure of gyms fitness centers ballrooms banquet facilities party venues amid the surge in covid19 cases URL @user talks to lina bidot segment producer for #telemundos @user about producing covid19 segments and the huge responsibility and new challenges involved in this edition of my new normal #workatnbcu #mediaindustry URL me i wanna go outside URL coronavirus florida reports 6336 new cases of covid19 and 47 resident deaths URL :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: corona virus out of control in florida are you having trouble paying your rent due to #covid19 this program can help URL unfortunately the @user rep called me and attempted to do contact tracing for my covid19 but she 1 was unprofessional 2 her phone disconnected and i have not heard from them since last thursday if this is our tracking system throw all of it in the breaking update floridas department of health on monday confirmed 6336 additional cases of covid19 bringing the states total to 206447 there were also 47 new deaths announced raising the statewide death toll to 3778 URL the florida covid19 debacle continues from last monday deaths up 71 hospitalizations up 36 monday deaths june 15 7 june 22 12 june 29 28 july 6 48 monday hospitalizations june 1 41 june 8 67 june 15 74 june 22 82 june 29 111 july 6 151 @user instead of treating the pandemic like a natural disaster floridas government leaders at the local county and state levels are acting like its a political hot potato URL mlb will release its schedule tonight at 6 pm while players all across the league have been in camp for days and still dont have their covid19 test results what an unmitigated disaster covid19 hasnt stopped summer camps from reopening in pembroke pines URL URL covid19 free annual credit report now available weekly URL why are people comparing the mortality numbers in new york city to the spread of covid19 in florida and texas yes the numbers in nyc were staggering but the entire states of fl and tx have more icu beds than the city of nyc #coronavirus #florida reports 6336 new cases of #covid19 #monday up to 206447 confirmed cases with 3778 deaths #miamidade countys confirmed cases increased by 1981 to 48992 the county has 1051 deaths the highest total in the state #desantis URL at @user in #miami growing concern about what the already strained hospital system will look like after a july 4th #covid bump new #florida numbers are out and they look a bit better theyre not well explain why@user @user 5 min URL cruise industry leaders @user and @user announced a collaboration to develop enhanced cruise health and safety standards in response to the global covid19 pandemic learn more about the healthy sail panel URL URL count me a covid19 skeptic including when it comes to a vaccine URL i hope covid19 dont fuck up dis yatch party for my bday i prefer to follow real data here are actual fl cases vs deaths since mar 01 for fl cases age 75 and older implied cfrs are dropping like a rock covid19 mutation g614 bad assumptions lead to inaccurate forecasts garbage in garbage out URL URL breaking florida reported 6336 new cases of covid19 on monday morning as the state emerged from a recordsetting weekend of new cases URL with covid19 uprising trend in florida it looks like a 20212022 fall in school program whats the chance that it would come back this calendar year :female_sign: URL me to the split personality ive developed during covid19 URL miami beach covid19 testing site moved to new location URL florida has reported 60000 new covid19 cases over the last week @user prematurely reopened the state as the new covid19 cases confirm whats he doing to stop the community spread absolutely nothing URL united way of #miamidade continues building a stronger #miami during covid19 URL #covid19 URL not the doctor that i work for telling his patients that covid19 doesnt affect children or younger people pls i need to update my resume fr shes not saying shit theyre either gonna say she got covid19 or died under mysterious circumstances URL the bubonic plague was found in inner mongolia and the earth giving us this right after covid19 radiates the same energy as ariana grande giving us sweetner and thank u next in the span of 6 months i keep revising the point at which i think the fools will wake up and say ok we were wrong experts can take the covid19 wheel now and i keep being wrong but the actual runout of icus will be that point right like bodies being carried out in garbage bags in many cities yo so congress just went for a 2 week recess without addressing the current covid19 spikes or the record unemployment and economic strife they dont care about us they are waiting for us to die and sending us to work so we can make them money when can we say enough is enough #backtoschool for millions in france as more covid19 restrictions lifted URL five ways covid19 changed leadership forever read it at URL who is the first nba player to yell covid19 as hes shooting so no one touches him a covid19 bonus on these checks would be nice since us healthcare workers are putting ourselves at risk the florida department of health reported 6336 new cases of covid19 on monday URL jets #edc features lightweight pocket gear to make room for some new pandemic essentials like a reusable mask and antimicrobial touch tool URL URL i actually read the facts on this matter in june so im sharing 2 links wfacts bubba did not initiate the investigation he had not been to the garage per covid19 protocols bubba knew nothing about it until nascarphelps told him URL URL URL 6336 new florida covid19 cases overnight 206447 total cases up from 200111 yesterday 16045 hospital admissions up from 15895 3778 deaths up from 3731 48992 in dade up from 47011 21856 in broward up from 21239 17242 in palm beach up from 16836 our client cariloha is no stranger to operating during hard times covid19 is no exception with our help they are continuing to defy the odds by leveraging a mix of top tier coverage centered on driving consumers to their online retail store learn more URL URL covid19 cases in southeast asia near 170000 URL kenya lifts ban on travel amid surge in covid19 cases URL bottlenecks pain points and outdated processes see how #automation can help URL #digitaltransformation #businessintelligence #management #innovation #fintech #banks #creditunions #customerexperience #technology URL i oppose any use of violence but @user where were you when a michigan militia brought ar 15s to the state capitol during covid19 12 URL will and i both came up negative for covid19 thank god #socialdistancing #covid lets make sure the bigot @user @user never holds any elected office again he has been the virus devastating #ourcounty long before covid19 showed up here URL with businesses reopening across the country here are 5 ways to help employees handle stress during #covid19 URL URL finally URL strange that ls closed down so abruptly over 2 cases of covid19 of course one was in the confines of the jocks room nyra got a late start in their battle walking dead on backstretch implemented safety precautions now is uprunningspiritofcooperation most covid19 misinformation originates on facebook research suggests URL the key biscayne community foundation provides assistance to candidates who can show financial difficulty which is unexpected and beyond their control if you need assistance you can apply online at URL #kbcf #covid19 #flattenthecurve #emergencygrants URL go away covid19 :_emoji_not_identified_U203C_: :_emoji_not_identified_U203C_: :_emoji_not_identified_U203C_: 2nd wave is no joke the covid19 death toll in america hits all time high URL URL alzheimers association hosts live caregiver event july 11 URL URL if anyone has any doubts whatsoever that the impeached con is a racist why in hell would he call out bubba wallace the sooner this fuck dies of covid19 the better we all will be six experts on how well live work and play in cities after covid19 URL @user @user #coronaviruschallenge #covid19 calling it now death by covid19 bc suicide isnt believable URL six experts on how well live work and play in cities after covid19 URL @user #coronaviruschallenge #covid19 covid is real keep them mask on stay sanitary one formysister check out this event hope to see you there #events URL digital signage gets amusement parks back ontrack during covid19 URL URL kenzic i wrote confident as a tool to motivate myself and others during the covid19 pandemic confident became the soundtrack of my consciousness wanting only to see myself free from the current gloom i hope you all enjoy this song URL URL the independent trump news live president lambasted for praising dead traitors and ignoring coronavirus crisis as houston warns hospitals could by overwhelmed URL number of local hospital beds already dwindling from new surge of covid19 patients URL :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: hospitals filling in miami idk but someone like me gone avoid swimming in covid19 water yall can have the pool parties selling a home during covid19 URL #homeselling URL if you out on boats pool parties etc dont come on here expecting sympathy if you catch covid19 cause on god we wont give a fuck until youve spent time in an icu ward or have seen someone prone on a ventilator you should not pretend that covid19 is just the flu miami beach URL thank you to all who completed our survey and helped us spread the word developing a measure of the impact of covid19 social distancing on household conflict and cohesion URL covid19 brings out the dark side of a caribbean carnival city by @user URL covid deaths down 20 and shootings up 300 #2020 this covid19 isnt a joke be careful and follow directions cause boy china has a case of the bubonic plague now they have a new swine flu brewing they intentionally gave the world covid19 china should be isolated until they drastically change their policies and their health practices broward hospital to reduce staff amid covid19 crisis URL us regulator greenlights :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: rapid antigen test for #covid19 the :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user URL you can watch elton johns 1976 concert at the playhouse theatre in edinburgh on youtube all 2 hours of it the concert is available as part of the elton john aids foundations covid19 emergency URL new song URL #bubonicplague #stayhome #aot130spoilers #covid #yansh #abstorm #billboard #newartist #newmusic #onrepeat #hiphop #rnb #radio #rnbmusic #afropop #pop #annamariamurray covid lobbying palooza public URL covid19 has been found in saliva and feces always use a condom during sex make sure to put it on before engaging in sex and properly disposing of it after sex go to URL to order your free condoms #covid19 #covidsafety #getting2zeromia #testmiami URL gathering at sandbars or any bars is 1 big reason why c19 cases skyrocketed in florida expect same in michigan unless like everywhere else in the world ex brazil whos leadership is also in denial folks get it and help each other avoid covid19 URL msc cruises announces blueribbon covid19 group for return to service cruise industry news URL 8 things you can do this july fourth to help prevent a postholiday covid19 spike URL alright nobody from over there should be allowed on a plane boat or anything that can help them travel im tired of covid19 i cant deal with more shit URL tokyo olympics seek covid19 defenses but what exactly URL URL the stock market is surging this morning reaching records highs for many stocks meanwhile unemployment is at an all time high covid19 cases are increasing daily and people are protesting for their basic rights in the streets the rich get richer while the rest suffer trump called covid19 a hoax and waited for thousands of americans to die to take it semi serious now hes calling out bubba for something that bubba didnt even see gtfoh bro URL broadway star nick cordero dead at 41 after covid19 battle URL shev is floridas first black and openly gay and lgbtq person elected to floridas house or senate ever he reps floridas 101 includes broward and hes got covid19 join him in asking @user to please issue a mask URL will the stock market go higher from here yes until the sp 500 finishes old business near the precovid19 highs of URL if you a music artist and you put out music during covid19 you should be creating your own performances at home and posting them shit create an at home concert i wish the president was as concerned about covid19 as he is about symbols of racism it took 4 months to reach 100k then 2 weeks to double that florida surpasses 200000 #covid19 cases pinellas county reports 14 deaths @user URL im tired of hearing due to covid19 as an excuse for bad service miami leaders political rivals theorize on national tv about cause of covid19 spike URL covid19 is paving the way for a digital renaissance full potential of the vast amounts of URL URL all these groups in the united states are a joke blm antifa white privilege kkk and both political parties with the republicans and democrats considering weve done a horrible job keeping covid19 undercontrol great information about covid19 check it out URL prince royce tests positive for covid19 and urges fans to stay home URL donald trump rushed to reopen america now covid19 is closing in on him URL wow they saying covid19 airborne now :female_sign: :female_sign: :female_sign: covid then that other case of h1n1 now the bubonic plague china is single handedly tryna end the world URL one third of all american adults have high blood pressure making them high risk when it comes to covid19 if they cared about your health theyd be telling you this URL over the weekend while florida residents celebrated the fourth of july with limited activities the state recorded over 20000 new cases of covid19 URL URL for jewish young adults and college students the coronavirus pandemic is a moment to make a difference for those affected by covid19 the jewish volunteer center is launching serve the moment a summer fellowship of service from july 8august 7 URL URL holy cross hospital will reduce staff as patient volumes fall amid covid19 pandemic URL holy cross hospital will reduce staff as patient volumes fall amid covid19 pandemic URL broadway actor nick cordero dies at 41 after long battle with covid19 URL governor cuomo updates new yorkers on states progress during covid19pandemic URL miamidade mayor carlos gimenez claimed that the recent coronavirus spike in the county is a result of the protests they certainly had a lot to do with it he wrote on twitter theres no evidence behind that URL what is contact tracing how it will be used for covid19 URL #covid19 repercussions @user drops mens indoor track and field as a sport which didnt have any participants anyway and @user drops football which did have 107 participants URL my fckn uncle got covid an interesting list of deregulations that have happened due to covid19 a lot of these make sense to become URL air conditioning may be factor in covid19 spread in the south URL schedule covid19 tests up to 24hrs in advance online URL URL fitness is great way to fight heart disease breast cancer and covid19 #healthyheart #fitness #notobreastcancer URL can florida just detach itself from the us at this point over 11000 cases of covid19 reported in one day which was just a couple days ago and now this URL cities that didnt have #blacklivesmatter protests got more new covid19 cases than those who did because those indifferent cities didnt social distance at that time protesters were very often masked and always outdoors URL this french couple in front of me were switching places in line for each other for covid19 testing and when they counted 30 people i was the last they only counted one of them should i snitch or risk not getting tested ive been standing in miami sun for over anhr creative solutions to news in a news desert URL URL but what if you dont have access to a #localnews URL #covid19 ushers the age of #socialselling really the only selling happening right now and has become critical for b2b sales survival engage prospects on autopilot watch demo now URL #b2bsales #salesautomation #socialselling URL #covid19 ushers the age of #socialselling really the only selling happening right now and has become critical for b2b sales survival engage prospects on autopilot watch demo now URL #b2bsales #salesautomation #socialselling URL the doctors i work with tested negative for covid here is my theory on the spreading of covid19 i suspect it is being spread on airplanes think about it on an airline everyone shares confined air for 2plus hours the states that have the most cases are hotspots for travel and are heavily conjested with people URL after hosting bball tmnts for 20 yrs covid19 has turned me into a crafting expert very therapeutic URL treat covid19 as the local crisis it is URL black and latino 3x more likely to get covid19 2x more likely to die than white ppl in the us across urban rural north south #systemicracism #wearamask #inequalitykills URL covid and bubonic plague 2020 you can go fuck yourself URL a recent study from the brookings institution showed that adjusted for age the average latino in the us is 2 12 times more likely to die from covid19 than the average white person a new analysis from the new york times showed the virus is URL chicago mayor blames covid19 lockdowns lax gun laws for spike in violence URL costa cruises extends its operations halt due to covid19 pandemic @user #traveladvisors URL kenzic i wrote confident as a tool to motivate myself and others during the covid19 pandemic confident became the soundtrack of my consciousness wanting only to see myself free from the current gloom i hope you all enjoy this song URL URL #morningjoe #maga today is @user 257th golf outing that is more than 1 out of 5 days as president approximate cost to taxpayers thus far 140000000 17000000 americans are unemployed lives lost to covid19 132000 and climbing bout to go get tested for covid19 yay URL research from china people with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease nafld were six times more likely to progress to severe #covid19 #covid19 illness #health #diet #nutrition will we be hostages to drug makers #covid #vaccine pricing :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: URL due to new florida restrictions from covid19 the financial freedom conference on july 27th has been cancelled until further notice URL cdc 10week decline in covid19 deaths means possible epidemic end URL to inspire your covid19 marketing efforts here are five noteworthy campaigns that you need to know about @user #branding #contentmarketing #advertising @user @user @user @user @user @user URL a no appointment covid19 testing site gotta be specific kate walsh seen first after getting trapped in perth URL one of these photos was taken before the heat went on a 220 run the other before covid19 made a similar run URL URL patients with preexisting #liver disease had a significant increased risk of death #covid19 #covid19pandemic #nutrition #diet #exercise more people looking to move to small towns #delraybeach #villagebythesea #florida #realtor URL well its been 2 weeks since covid19 cases started spiking hasnt it they keep saying just wait two weeks here we are asked on cnn this morning about trumps 99 harmless claim republican miami mayor @user whos has covid19 says the data doesnt agree wonders if trump was being fecitious simultaneously on fox wh cos mark meadows makes clear no trump was not kidding there was some vigorous discussion this weekend on my feed about published data and early covid19 treatment with hcq publication below relevant to the discussion still not peerreviewed but its a start URL nick cordero broadway actor dies at 41 after coronavirus complications throughout his stay in the hospital he was given a temporary pacemaker underwent a leg amputation and was put into a medically induced coma #covid URL #morningjoe #maga #covid cases in canada r down 82 from their peak #covid cases in italy are down 97 from their peak #coronavirus cases in new zealand r down 100 from their peak the #coronavirus in the usa is higher than ever out of control thats the trump virus URL my @user colleagues have been conducting survey research into the impact of covid19 on american mental health since march these findings from the end of may show that 24 of americans report moderate or severe psychological distress #thisisicf URL URL watch here are a few stories we are keeping an eye on a record numbers of covid19 hospitalizations threaten capacity issues in some states and a zen work pod is putting a twist on working from home more news at URL URL where the freak can i go get tested for covid silent neurological damage caused by covid19 may lead to future health problems URL tomorrow morning we will have our continued nocontact drivethru food distribution at tropical park beginning at 9am first come first serve while supplies last #covid19 #flhd118 #hd118 URL parts of manhattan famously the city that never sleeps have begun to resemble a ghost town since 500000 mostly wealthy and middleclass residents fled when covid19 struck in march URL miami dade county has stricter covid19 policies in place than other counties in florida but residents are free to travel between counties it seems common sense to me that policies should be the same unless travel is restricted i am open minded willing to hear a counter argument this man appears to think the people who are calling the ambulance because they cant breathe 125 times a day might not have covid19 and are just afraid URL despite claims that florida traces every case of covid19 a cnn investigation found that health authorities in florida now the nations no 1 hotspot for the virus often fail to do contact tracing long considered a key tool in containing an outbreak :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: cnn cc @user URL #morningjoe hey #maga he was 41 broadway actor nick cordero died on sunday after battling complications from covid19 for several months he was 41 the scariest part about covid19 is that no one i know that has tested positive has gone out every single person has been social distancing and only been out for essentials thanks to all who downloaded @user overnight our quickest to 1000 since the covid19 started budget had to be cut to deal with covid19 but desantis kept money for new toll roads URL so south floridas two main big shot mayors are now national figures they seem to be constantly on network news shows it was francis suarezs turn on the 8 am cbs newscast today he said he hasnt blocked out a new lockdown if covid19 stats keep shooting up justice kavanaugh refuses to enjoin illinois district courts upholding greater #covid19 limits on political gatherings than religious gatherings URL dist ct rejected arguments that the governors covid19 orderviolates the first fourteenth amendments reposted from @user free covid19 walk up testing starts tomorrow foster park tuesday saturday july 711 and july 1418 9am 3pm no appointment or doctors order necessary URL @user premature reopening of florida has resulted in a 2738 increase in daily covid19 cases in the state URL sexy brutale switch game #128 is here since covid19 i rarely but any games at all but theres one #switchcorps URL #covid #miamiwonderful please stay home unless necessary florida numbers staggering miami beach URL i would be up since 4 am trying to get tested for covid #virtualreality is booming in the #workplace amid the #pandemic heres why @user #covid #technologynews URL free covid19 walk up testing starts tomorrow foster park tuesday saturday july 711 and july 1418 9am 3pm no appointment or doctors URL as florida sets records for covid19 cases health authorities often fail to do contact tracing URL as a result of the current coronavirus covid19 outbreak what behaviors if any have you observed people engaging in more frequently URL while we r shelter in place for months get sick awful deaths due to covid19 propaganda barbie thinks riding is appropriate URL covid19 turkey sends medical equipment to bangladesh URL visit our website for more details about t4ss and what we can offer to fight covid19 URL starting today july 6th the faith center will be offering free covid19 testing at our sunrise campus from 9am5pm we will be allowing walkup testing with no appointment necessary please make sure you enter only through the commercial blvd entrance URL stanford doctor confirms what weve been saying for months for people under age 45 the covid19 mortality rate is almost URL trump lambasted for praising dead traitors and ignoring coronavirus crisis amid texas surge follow URL great questionthe economy is clearly not doing well but the real impacts of covid19 are about to hit and once again our country is completely unprepared as a result of a dysfunctional government ran by a dysfunctional man URL i wonder how many american lives would have been saved if the president had simply done his job chosen not to make covid19 a political issue and instead had said this virus is serious and it doesnt discriminate wear a mask when you go out and stay home when you can gop sen obama failed on ebola but trumps stepped up with covid19 URL hey @user how many dead as a result of ebola under obama hm over 130000 dead as a result of trumpsincompetence @user is a disgrace he couldnt be bothered to participate in a covid19 call to discuss the disaster in texas URL covid can you lock them down until after i have this kid then go away so i can drink all the liquor i missed out on thanks march 7th @user speaking on behalf of @user as a #survivor was the last time ive socialized since #covid19 #stillhome #highrisk #wearamask URL dont forget to book your covid19 antibody rapid test now you can also conveniently book this testing with your iv therapy and have your results duringjust after your infusion please calltext 305 8774802 to book your inlounge or mobile appointment URL good morning to all the marlins fans who wear masks and nobody else URL turkey beating covid19 official becomes plasma donor URL URL @user @user hows this working out foryou well i knew it was going to happen one of the older trumper people i know that has been saying covid19 is a hoax and all the numbers are fake has it now and his family and friends are begging for plasma donations covid19 latest palm beach county infections include 3 year old 7 yearold URL until 1202021 almost like a social pandemic as states pause reopenings experts warn of more confusion isolation agitation URL donald trump rushed to reopen america now covid19 is closing in on him robert URL only bold state intervention will save us from a future owned by corporate giants joe guinan and martin URL #covid is completely out of control in the us just like #benedictdonald URL one thing i hope we learn from the covid19 crisis experience counts stefan URL swing states may be up for grabs as covid19 hits republican strongholds URL bernard perlmutter a law professor @user and codirector of the schools children and youth law clinic said widespread testing is the clear answer to stopping the spread among youth in state custody URL covid19 latest palm beach county deaths include 37 year oldwoman URL he might not be doing the best job responding to the #covid19 crisis in #miamidade but @user has really milked it for some national exposure like #facethenation sunday URL #cd26 #flapol wake up @user budget had to be cut to deal with covid19 but desantis kept money for new toll roads URL how to weigh the risk of going out in the coronavirus pandemic in one chart URL chinese study antibodies in covid19 patients fade quickly URL chinese study antibodies in covid19 patients fade quickly URL the florida health dept will extend its lease @user for a covid19 testing sitetemporary hospital thru sept 6 meanwhile the convention center seeks accreditation for its response to the pandemic in an effort to set it apart from other venues URL URL covid19 is bringing out the worst in some of us its also bringing out the best in some of us which camp do you choose to be in #healing #gratitude #mondaymotivation #encouragement #inspired the covid19 case #s are up in fl with a risk of hospital overcapacity but hospitals get filled fast because healthcare is overregulated and cant innovate like private companies faced with high demand and lockdowns made it worse constraining capital flow to fund these innovations slo joe beijing biden exactly what are you promising the communist chinese for your silence about 1 the covid19 chinese virus 2 chinas systemic racism 3 stealing intellectual property 4 increased military activity in south china sea 5 trade and rolling back agreements on the heels of bleakerthanexpected us existing home sales data investors will be looking to the new home sales report due out tuesday morning for additional clues on how the us housing market is holding up covid19 has been URL URL so ur telling me there is now covid19 worldwide possible swine flu and possible bubonic plague dang anything else as rent is due victims of covid19 who applied wait URL trump is overseeing a historic transfer of wealth to the superrich as covid19 deaths hit record numbers URL if when covid19 struck your fitness routines went sideways its ok give yourself permission to establish new movements that feel right to you now it may not be at the same schedule intensity or results and thats ok just move your body to feel and release the times URL covid19 is helping to make the case for universal basic income URL outright panic porn kids are less likely to die from covid19 than they are of the common flu many studies show that children are very low emitters of the virus comparatively to adults URL number of local hospital beds already dwindling from new surge of covid19 patients URL i had great time flying delta this week they are being responsible about covid19 guidelines thank you URL cummings purported covid19 lockdown breach warrants thorough investigation exmain prosecutor URL #headlines insider video whats it like to fly on delta and united postcovid19 URL new budget had to be cut to deal with covid19 but desantis kept money for new toll roads URL how lovely india becomes the third worsthit country by covid19 after the us and URL hospitals in miamidade and broward counties are gearing up for another wave of covid19 patients and some are already putting surge plans into place to extend bed capacity URL around this time we all be screaming sun dress season but no we still screaming fuck covid19 state structure principles to be reshaped by covid19 URL ncdhhs launches covid19 social media campaign to reach historically marginalized populations URL palme dor winner ruben ostlund talks returning to production on triangle of sadness during covid19 pandemic URL URL commentary by @user the founder and ceo of @user URL commentary by alexander hershey a member of @user and sebastian m fischer who was recently an associate with the firm and now holds an internship at @user URL webinar ondemand replay covid19 impact on us health insurance and benefits URL good thing school staff and teachers arent in their 40s covid19 doesnt discriminate URL the best opportunities come in times of maximum pessimism john templeton :zap: :zap: #quoteoftheday #motivation #motivational #motivationalquote #goodmorning #twibbon #tiktok #instagram #blessed #covid19 #coronavirus as much as democrats and the media want to keep us locked down and scared the current situation does not warrant any of this URL global edge computing market research report 2020 includes business impact of covid19the global URL URL i think the hardest part of taking care of a patient with covid19 is controlling your anxiety enough to think fast but still provide the best care possible its a constant internal battle for sure coronavirus florida reports 10059 new cases of covid19 broward county sets another record hospitals seeing increase in patients URL its upsetting and alarming to see so many #covid deaths in chicago this past weekend #democratsaredestroyingamerica #democratstheenemywithin #mondaythoughts the lack of personal lightning protection in the us is appalling congress must act #scamdemic #covid #mondaythoughts #mondaymotivaton #democratstheenemywithin por fin se libera el director d fda y dice la verdad sobre las vacunas the head of the us drugs regulator has cast doubt on president trumps prediction that a covid19 vaccine will be ready this year i cant predict when a vaccine will be available fda commissioner the pet project covid19 updates URL URL u s population 331000000 total supposed #covid deaths sunday 251 even if this deaths were reported correctly and we know for a fact theyre not its way past time to open everything #democratsaredestroyingamerica #democratstheenemywithin #mondaythought #scamdemic now is a good time to reread shirley jacksons the lottery it is one of the best short stories ever written the story mirrors trumps covid19 social darwinist purge going on right now #votebiden #voteearly URL first kobe then fires then covid19 then murder hornets then riots then swine pig flu and now the bubonic plague is back #fuck2020 URL oof packed michigan 4th of july beach party goes viral amid covid19 resurgence watch URL URL webmd a new autopsy study that investigated lung changes in response to covid19 down to the genetic and molecular levels has revealed new details about damage from the infection offering even more insight into how different this disease is from URL what is happening to journalismthe press they used to protect us by honest unbiased reporting careful validation in sarscov2 world even esteemed medical journals reviewers are not reviewing henry ford data confirm small studies hcq works used early URL pakistans health minister tests positive for covid19 URL #covid19colorado this could be an interesting test case of both public health enforcement power and the transmissibility of #covid in breezy conditions outdoors URL im amazed at the ignorance of nearly everyones reaction to pandemics the comparisons of covid19 to mers sars ebola and now the bubonic plague are crazy URL medscape 10 important strategies for dealing with the doomsday scenario of #covid flu and measles URL URL URL medscape haiti was hit hard by covid19 how you can help URL URL medscape the latest on covid19 investigational drugs and therapies URL URL URL medscape metformin may lower risk for fatal covid19 URL URL URL us covid19 deaths near 130000 florida and texas report record case numbers URL covid19 employers who laid off workers after furlough may have to return cash URL if maxwell dies from covid19 we all know for sure now icus typically run at 95 baseline utilization and that can be dramatically increased if the hospital needs more icu space also icu usage is up because of all the people who werent able to be treated for other diseases due to the covid19 hype and are now desperately ill please read be considerate you may not get covid19 but your loved ones can URL someone please explain to me how democrat mayors killing 10s of thousands of seniors by sending infected patients to nursing homes for treatment was president trumps fault far and away democratrun cities were ground zero for covid19 deaths in america so sad and unfair rip you fought so hard broadway actor nick cordero dies at 41 after months of covid19 URL isnt the mayor of houston a huge liberal im not sure id be trusting anything he says about covid19 triple factcheck every word is there any evidence that ppl are getting covid19 from riding transit im not sure what the fear is about everyones wearing their masks doors open consistently the average trip is under an hour how is that different from the grocery store or a laundromat @user chris hayes trumps covid19 failures make us an object of pity around the world URL my lady bday tomorrow ya help me to do something nice ion really care to much to take her anywhere with this covid19 shit cuz she pregnant but i gotta do sumn need i remind the drones on the left that impeachment failed miserably this is why they had to fakehype the covid19 dempanic they are running out of crises to hide the fact america hates their agenda broadway actor nick cordero dies at 41 after months of covid19 complications URL there will be no cameras to turn off in the hospital room she know too much URL this nick cordero news is so depressingthat man suffered covid19 is terrifying man cdc classification is if you are positive you are a covid19 death no distinction between died with covid19 as in a car wreck and died from covid19 URL we should place bets on the day we think ghislaine maxwell gets murdered by covid customer was complaining because we were short staffed and i had to explain to the dumb bitch that 4 of our workers 2 being managerswere sick possibly with covid19 like if ur gonna complain about shit stay ur ass home global service software market 2020 impact of covid19 future growth analysis and the URL URL tennis player #francestiafoe is the latest player to contract covid19 URL URL mark my words covid19 is just a financial reset of the world economy go get that vaccine tho at the moment theyre saying we need 70 for herd immunity for covid19 thats about as effective the vaccine would need to be however recent polls indicate about 33 will refuse to take a vaccine personally not putting a lot of faith in the ability to reach herd immunity URL broward takes new steps to enforce covid19 restrictions URL how covid19 could make maritime piracy worse URL #piracy #maritime #covid19 #maritime #shipping lets learn more about al davis his birthday was yesterday if you are tired of finding things to do during covid19 and you want to listen to a great audiobook check it out here is a free sample URL i hate covid19 i take that back just got told she doesnt believe in covid19 and doesnt wear masks aka she out here endangering peoples lives URL covid psychosis cases soar far outstripping covid19 hoax cases leading to a mental health pandemic in the us URL we need data on hospitalized for covid19 hospitalized with covid19 big difference for so many reasons URL imma take my vitamins when i get home this bitch says she goes to work and someone caught covid19 and there still open i would say im tired but i just want a vacay like literally get up and go thanks covid19 thissomebs we are literally holding all of our patients in the er because theres no empty beds in the hospital due to everyone being covid19 positive carsyn leigh davis florida covid19 victims URL how the fuck is this not a crime of negligence against a minor laws justice are isgoingon sometimes this is all you need embrace active transport bike riding in the time of coronavirus as the coronavirus covid19 pandemic continues to spread now is not the time to stop pedaling and the perfect time URL on iphones go to the settings menu then to privacy and finally health to find the covid19 exposure logging feature covid19 exposure logging contact tracing feature hits iphones URL last week my wifes hospital had 66 covid19 patients by the weekend they had 77 im betting theyll be close to 100 by weeks end when hospitals get at capacity america will be shut down again and expect another great depression keep playing with this if you want to any phase 3 cases of covid19 that are severe are likely a secondary strain as a back up in case the first weaker strain didnt create the fear and panic they expected this is the strain with the chimeric structure including the hiv and mers components URL broadway actor nick cordero dies at 41 after long battle with covid19 URL URL nick corderos death hit me really hard such a beautiful and talented person who lost a their fight to covid19 with that said wear your masks please what are the chances nick corderos death was really caused by #covid19 @user from this 41 article he was admitted march 31 after having been sick for some time how many covid19 cases were there in la in midmarch URL when your fiancee tests positive for covid19 so u sit in ur room without him crying like a crazy person and only wanna be held by him but cant a woman is turned away from a hospital after her husband experiences chest pain because local hospitals need beds for #covid19 patients URL crowdstrike found 59 of respondents believe same or less likely to experience cybercrime in wake of #covid19 crowdstrike has confirmed 100x increase in covid19themed malicious files contact us at @user @user URL the number of covid19 cases should be less those confirmed cases that have been resolved should be irrelevant to the reporting probably in the 100k as of now or far less for active cares people are recovering people are remaining negative covid saved a lot of you covid19 is now called the trump virus pass it on #trumpvirus what i find interesting is that the media loves to talk about how there are 3 million confirmed cases of covid19 but fails to report how many of those cases were recovered :bangbang: covid19 comming back stronger please take necessary precautions protect yourself and others #covid #covid19 #covid19 #coronavirus #miami #miamibeach URL praying for all affected by covid19 please wear a mask #staywoke #stayhome #staysafe this lady been saying covid19 is ba for months now and talking hella shit and now out of nowhere she has a mask onshe got that shit i just know it if we were gonna get to this point anyway with covid19 kids shouldve been able to graduate totally not fair that cities were destroyed and it was all cool only the brainwashed cant tell theres something fishy about the whole damn thing hr 6666 and patent 060606 first legislative effort to codify cv response URL criminal big pharma put in charge of covid19 vaccine URL allowing workplaces to reopen while schools camps and day cares remain closed tells a generation of working parents that its fine if they lose their jobs insurance and livelihoods in the process URL all i see is people spreading covid19 lol big girl talking bout shes tired of 1 she needs 20s 50s 100s lol URL covid antibody tests here comes more trickery and fakery URL broadway actor nick cordero dies at 41 after months of covid19 complications URL had a little hesitating gulp when i saw @user trending heat are two down on the covid19 front and south beach has become the epicenter i can now officially exhale #tylerherro #miamiheat #coronavirusfla #coronavirusflorida i dont think covid19 is their biggest worry URL covid cant believe how america set up a buffet for her to feast on and its a new smorgasbord everyday bruh URL yall i had 2 anxiety attacks and shortness of breath all day smh keep playing with this covid19 shit if yall want to la county new covid19 cases shatter daily record in first report since data processingchanges URL my heart hurts for nick and his wife and family hes an angel now may he rest in peace :red_heart: covid19 is no joke he battled so hard for so long with it it breaks my heart may you be with god now andatpeace the same way people fake how they live or what they got on ig twitter facebook is the same way they fake having fun at events clubs parties bars with covid19 out there those graves getting filled and those hospitals filling up stay woke stay safe how do you feel about the economy going forward URL covid19 crisis is florida on path to disaster URL in florida all alarming numbers very third highest singleday total 10059 pushes florida past 200000 covid19 cases URL fda head rejects trumps false claim that 99 of covid19 cases are harmless this is a serious problem URL URL so less babies during the covid19 pandemic thoughts please share #coronavirus2020 #pandemic2020 #babies #birthcontrol us covid19 deaths near 130000 florida and texas report record case numbers URL with all the horrors trumps unleashed inept covid19 response outright racism will we ever regain our decency so sad i was really ping for him to beat this thing nick coderos death shows its not just the elderly that are in danger from this virus he was only 41 be smart #rip broadway actor nick cordero dies at 41 after months of covid19 complications URL broadway actor nick cordero dies at 41 after months of covid19 complications URL broadway actor nick cordero dies at 41 after months of covid19 URL fuck you covid19 #2020sucks URL i just want to be around people but covid19 wanna fuck shit up covid cases are down again by about 600 compared to the day before i wonder if this is just because its the weekend or if cases are actually gonna go down now covid everywhere URL holy shit this shamdemic plan is on tne rockefeller website covid19 is a real world drill with a weakened virus president of ghana exposes the ff operation proof the globalists are responsible for this q is right always has been URL i feel very stuck today fuck you covid covid soup URL i honestly dont know how anyone can be not terrified of themselves or their loved ones catching covid19 14 things face masks are hiding or highlighting since covid19 loop news cayman URL covid19 impact on global data center uninterruptible power supply ups market insights and URL URL if that fall didnt take her out covid19 might all those damn people with no mask in sight URL #gilead is profiteering off a #covid drug we the #taxpayers already paid for URL after a hard fought 90 day battle with covid19 a bright young broadway star leaves behind a beautiful wife and 1yearold son wear a mask URL nick cordero broadway actor dies at 41 after battle with #covid19 URL he was in better shape than people half his age yet he suffered for over 90 days died covid19 is real corona virus is real wear a mask socially distance wash you hands this is so upsetting im thinking of amanda elvis your whole family #ripnickcordero URL this is an extremely heartbreaking way to end the week veteran broadway star and #bluebloods actor #nickcordero has died due to complications from covid19 he was 41 URL #ripnickcordero quick testimony in the last 14 day i was exposed to covid19 3x by 3 different people 2 at my job 1 at home i got tested for covid19 my test came back negative god will keeeep you 10000 can fall at your right but not one hair on your head will be touched la county new covid19 cases shatter daily record in first report since data processing changes URL URL so sad broadway actor nick cordero dies at 41 after months of covid19 complications URL #wearthedarnmask i expect her to be announced dead from covid19 soon if this is the case :female_sign: cant wait to see URL URL korean contact tracing is advanced they dont have any junk indian workers #h1b @user #expandtheban korea has surpassed the us in technology i am positive for covid19 i can tell you wholeheartedly this virus is real and is not something to take lightly i cant breathe nick cordero standout actor in broadway musicals dies of covid19 complications at 41 #smartnews sad news URL broadway actor nick cordero entered the intensive care unit on march 31 and had been on a ventilator and unconscious after contracting covid19 URL us covid19 deaths near 130000 florida and texas report record case numbers URL what makes bars and restaurants potential covid19 hot spots URL for all the #floridiots who think it cant happen to them because theyre young and in good shape my blood is boiling at the irresponsibility of my citystate nick cordero broadway actor dies at 41 after battle with URL i cant believe how covid19 can completely ravage people and others have no symptoms it really is remarkable the miamidade county homeless trust has found that of the 2000 or so homeless people that have been tested for covid19 in the county less than 1 are URL this thread by el gato malo explains why we have seen an upward spike in covid19 testing positive percentage not all negatives are getting reported in many states including fl ga and nc probably many more some labs only report positives not negatives i see this in fl URL oh no lord my nose getting stuffy nope not me wrong body covid exclusive covid19 may not have originated in china oxford university expert believes URL people who live in areas that routinely receive the mmr vaccine have lower #covid19 death rates mmr measles mumps rubella vaccine could prevent worst symptoms of #covid19 URL fyi #coronavirusupdates they count you as a positive #covid if youre symptomatic dont even have a positive pcr do your research thanks @user URL my grandmother passed away from the covid19 in her will she left me enough money and she always told me to do whats right comment your cashtag i will be sending 3000 to the first 300 people to retweet like this dont be scared #july4th #covid19 URL taylor wilde talks potential impact wrestling return being derailed by covid19 URL the most ohio thing is all the girls going to put in bay even though they are having an extreme covid19 out break and say to immediately quarantine if youve been there but instead of quarantining in they hop on a plane and fly to south florida where the virus is at an all time high posting a picturevideo what was a fun time you had before covid19 us covid19 deaths near 130000 florida and texas report record case numbers URL oh oh #ghislainemaxwell seen with #kevinspacey at a party with #princeandrew with #billclinton damn its about to get ugly #pedogateisreal #covid URL why are yall acting like covid19 doesnt exist 14 things face masks are hiding or highlighting since covid19 loop news st lucia URL 2020 covid19 daily i hear stories of hunger anxiety and hopelessness i share my love kindness and resources my survival skills have taught me how too support other families who are struggling and trying to maintain their dignity #survivor #loveheals #coffeebreakwithcharley URL a building collapse injures at least 19 in maryland covid19 is suspected nick cordero dies of covid19 broadway actor from bullets over broadway and waitress was 41 URL URL one of the evolving trends in the payment industry is contactless it covers from physical payment cards contactless terminals virtual terminals and even mobile payments its the most advanced security and helps maintain sanitary standards during covid19 environment URL democrats have blood on their hands starting with genocide against our elderly using covid19 in dem run states the release of murderers drug dealers and rapists while defunding the police is a crime against all lawabiding citizens URL rip broadway star nick cordero dead at 41 after covid19 battle URL fuck covid this covid19 getting to my mf brain if i miss work rn g614 heard of it you will covid19 mutation is now dominant strain much more contagious but less severe symptoms explains current trends scientists say strain of coronavirus dominant around the world is different than what was seen in wuhan URL pastor who claimed covid19 hysteria was plot against trump dies from virus URL covid19 is close to losing its epidemic status in the us according to the cdc URL fck covid19 :bangbang: get your @user #facemask @user link in bio #covid #covid2020 URL get your @user #facemask @user link in bio #covid #covid2020 URL hope my florida friends and family are staying safe hearing all the covid19 rates spiking extremely high i passed my 4th covid19 test as gates would say im pissing clean for my po im a living legen ld my mom really dontwant me doing anything because of this covid19 shit she so aggravating lord watching contagion for the first time in the era of covid19 andwow its on point except for the government leadership of course #ufc251 just somehow got better i just hope masvidal #1 passes his covid19 test and #2 makes weight its too bad i wont be able to go out with friends and watch this epic fightcard at a bar but you can be damn sure i will be watching we have black supremacists marching in ga rich white kids destroying public property rioters and looters running free war zones in chicago and nyc all endorsed by politicians but we are told to stay home and stop covid19 for the good of the community yeah fuck you do you realize how high the #stockmarket would go if you led an aggressive competent sciencebased response to #covid19 @user fuck youd probably get reelected but youre too primitive stupid to pull it off is it too late for us to join the #eu #covidiot as of july 05 2020 there are 1498 covid19 positive cases in miami beach fl a thirtysomething friend just survived a stroke from a lung blood clot had the virus in march and thought he had completely recovered young and middleaged people barely sick with covid19 are dying of strokes URL scientists believe covid19 likely originated in a live animal market tell @user to help prevent future pandemics by taking action now to end wildlife trade URL i had a covid19 scare last week it was just a 1 on 1 interaction with someone i know and trust we were in a room with no masks on but we kept our distance they went to an intimate gathering the night before i saw URL covid sudden confusion tiredness headaches digestive problems apparently covid19 and being over 30 have a lot of the samesymptoms i had like 4 income streams but then covid19 happened harvard public health experts said covid19 epidemic is getting quite out of hand with cases rising rapidly in the hardesthit states and a twoweek lag between infection and hospitalization the situation appears set to worsen quickly URL trump done used covid19 to give all these businesses money and is now tryna tell yall covid19 aint real so shit can go back to normal their is really a lot going on in the world right now from covid19 social unrest economical failure and so much more i felt like it was the perfect time last week i woke up i made a mini movie to help voice my opinion thank you again guys for love and support :fist: :red_heart: URL covid is serious im scared af our illegitimate fraud governor is a misanthrope trump lickspittle and should be indicted for mass negligence tried and serve time in a covid19 infected prison he can wear his mask sideways there URL really wanted to put v in prek 2 for more social interaction but with the way things are going right now with covid19 we might have to keep her home this year anyone else notice the american media stopped talking shit about swedens covid19 approach wonder why isnt it creepy how liberals cheer for covid19 deaths hoping this is true lets beat this ccp virus URL regional health leaders involved about opportunity publishholiday break spike in covid19 scenarios news URL its truly a tragedy that covid19 has become politicized in america people are literally suffering and dying alone and we cant come together as a country leadership always starts at the top URL i spoke with the heads of mits global cocreation lab in miami about what coronavirusrelated developments they have in the works their answer a lot of promising stuff URL how many democrats saw todays covid19 numbers and felt as sad as a tv meteorologist when a cat 5 hurricane downgrades to a tropical storm URL the indictment alleges she was moving around millions of dollars she was living in a 1 million home with a double wolf stove when she was arrested the women who were abused are living in onebedroom apartments and waitressing unemployed bc of covid19 right now URL both florida and texas reported their biggest daily rise in new confirmed cases over the past few days with florida reporting11443 new resident cases on saturdayand another 9999 on sunday URL covid19 is close to losing its epidemic status in the us according to the cdc just the URL who ending hydroxychloroquine trial for covid19 world newsthe indian express strange i was told just last week that trump was actually right about this URL a good coach can building a winning franchise with the caliber of free agents still looking for work because of the covid19 shutdown here is my list of the top 25 players available URL trinidad and tobago coronavirus update covid19 confirmed cases rise to 130 total deaths reaches URL i feel bad making money because of covid19 but money has to be made coronavirus florida reports 10059 new cases of covid19 broward county sets another record URL :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: desantis has not demonstrated needed leadership in florida during the corona virus he is so weak can not even issue a mask order sad food for thoughts breakthrough ultraviolet light development could help kill covid19 virus URL well i might have the covid19 has kicked my ass all weekend and my command is having me tested tomorrow i felt good about some weekend holds now can barely focus help me @user @user @user @user @user may your lessons flow throughme tonights dinner conversation do dog farts cause pink eye this is what #covid #dinnertime #familytime #lol has done to civility waiting for noahs arc reunion watching it with the family @user @user since i was supposed to be in nyc and covid19 prevented that we on facetime