new forms of testing could bring the pandemic under control before vaccines are widely available URL please sign URL silly reporters keep forgetting that you cant spread covid19 if youre holding drinks or food URL URL hawley urges trump to veto covid19 bill absent #stimulus checks URL shity @user holding a covid19 summit tomorrow since he found out two vaccines have been approved and he wants them named after him this opportunistic bastard has checked out since nov 3rd but true to the scam artist he is yeah put my name on it phizer moderna say no #donacon URL covid19 vaccine concerns URL the great irony will be when covid19 cancels the cusa title game URL former alabama senator dies of covid19 at age 78 and in his last words warns we messed up URL new story on npr think health care workers are tested often for covid19 think again URL covid has finally found our door step um ilhan that thing about your hubbys firm getting a 635k covid19 bailout yeah same firm your campaign gave millions URL trumps operation warp speed promised a flood of covid19 vaccines instead states are expecting a trickle URL floridas governor is a wanttobe authoritarian URL im not really surprised by this :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: just like :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: have abandoned the american people january 20th 2021 cant come quick enough #corruptgop #byebyetrump URL URL the president of the united states is insane shes the scientist that desantis fired for refusing to manipulate covid19 data police raid home of exflorida data scientist rebekah jones URL sabotage just to hurt the incoming biden admin premeditated murder covid19 will not differentiate between republicans and democrats trumps own supporters will die this is grotesque URL contact tracing is considered crucial to stop the spread of #covid19 @user psychologists developed a free diy tool to help URL countries should consider local covid19 incidence local epidemic growth and travel volumes before implementing such restrictions the lancet public health URL trump admin rejected pfizer offer for more covid19 vaccine doses business URL is this really appropriate use of legalpolice authority this woman operates a covid19 dashboard and appears to represent no physical threat URL covid relief for teachers a stunning game changer @user @user @user help URL i tested positive for covid19 on thursday 123 and my job is already asking when i can go back this is fucking sad smh even if you dont fear getting covid19 if you or your family get sick from anything else like an appendicitis or a broken bone you wont be able to get proper hospital treatment if hospital beds are full of covid19 patients in the coming weeksmonths wear a damn mask #wearamask well well well the pharmaceutical companies seem to be about to experience huge windfall profitsyes yet again in spite of their rd heavily subsidized by governments want vaccines fast suspend intellectual property rights URL via :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: and you wonder why you werent reelected see yah #trumpfailedamerica #covidiots URL the truth about truthtellers regarding covid19 in florida :arrow_heading_down: URL so the trump administration is in charge of distribution of the covid19 vaccine its ironic considering #trump consistently parroted antivaccine sentiment repeatedly voiced support for debunked myths about vaccination and has a history of running projects into the ground well this is weird a republican wanting to spend more money on stimulus and on direct payments hes clearly running in 2024 on a populist platform dems watch out hawley urges trump to veto covid19 bill absent stimulus URL the home of former florida department of health data scientist rebekah jones who built the states #covid19 dashboard and was later fired she claims for refusing to manipulate data was raided by state police with guns drawn monday morning @user URL is this all due to covid19 URL wtf this is the only person being honest about fl covid19 cases :_emoji_not_identified_U2192_: :_emoji_not_identified_U2192_: :_emoji_not_identified_U2192_: agents raid home of fired florida data scientist who built covid19 dashboard URL fk no same with the original hoax perpetuater i still dont believe had URL tamarac covid19 cases continue to rise through december 6 with covid19 cases spiking al URL @user URL but but but this would have happened no matter which party was in power however mad king trump and the @user killed more than a half a million people :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: and counting :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: while denying a covid19 relief bill for people falling off a cliff @user is the grim reaper URL florida police seize computer of covid19 data whistleblower miami URL a very sick administration trump administration officials passed when pfizer offered in late summer to sell the us more vaccine doses URL covid you either have it or you will within the next two weeks URL trump officials passed up pfizer offer to sell more vaccine doses the new york URL sun sentinel investigation gov ron desantis ordered public health officials not to discuss the covid19 virus with the public URL @user #covid19 vaccine approval timeline fda pfizer december 10 URL fda moderna december 17 URL per #florida draft vaccination plan a phased rollout with limited initial doses going to priority groups like URL #wemessdup former alabama senator dies of covid19 at age 78 and in his last words warns we messed up URL this is the scientist who was fired by @user for reporting the actual covid19 numbers in florida instead of the numbers she was told to report they raided her home with her family in it at gunpoint to confiscate all of her data what the actual fuck URL consumers should be aware of covid19 scams ignore online offers for vaccinations and home test kits @user helps debtors to combat fraud predatory debt collection practices sign up now its free #fintech #debtrelief #debtfree #studentdebt URL weve seen 400000 die from covid19 david beasley the executive director of the world food programme warned in june we could see 300000 die a day for several months if we dont handle this right #enoughisenough #endthelockdowns URL girl finds out she has covid19 while doing tik tok video URL a former employee of the florida health department who blew the whistle on efforts to fudge covid19 numbers had their home raided today URL covid19 spikes in prison will spread to the larger community URL so longterm covid19 side effects include erectile dysfunction bet a bunch of yall gon be wearing masks now maybe its natures way of making sure antimaskers cant procreate #covidd one of my favorite positive covid19 outcomes #covid URL covid free im back to the gym URL :question: what is happening florida :question: why was the home of data scientist @user raided this morning by state police :exclamation: she has been providing accurate numbers on covid19casesinflorida :question: URL trump officials passed up pfizer offer to sell more vaccine doses the new york times we are not going to get enough vaccine thanks to the trump administration so thanks to him we wont have URL covid URL #jones said agents knocked on her door around 830am took all her hardware and tech showing a warrant based on complaint filed by #floridadepartmentofhealth after #deathsantis impeded #access to #data from september until after #election to aid #trump URL URL am bout getting ramsquaddled second this covid19 shit is over at @user URL please join me in donating to ensure @user can continue the critical work of collecting and opening up floridas covid19 case data our state desperately needs this URL URL london square people dont give a fuck bout no covid19 i walked in this store and this shit full to the max no thnx can someone please explain what is the point of getting tested for covid19 and go about normal life you can test positive in an couple of days unless after the test you go into complete isolation #covid19 #covid19 #covid19 #coronainfoch #covid19 #corona #usa #nosense URL its been a brutal year for transit systems across the country as they navigate covidinduced ridership and revenue declines but as cases flare back up and federal assistance seems unlikely for many agencies its truly looking like winter is coming URL trumps administration only contracted to buy 50 million doses of what became the first vaccine to market meaning that more of pfizers product wont arrive until next june #operationwarpcheap URL the japanese killed 2403 americans at pearl harbor covid19 kills 2260 americans every day URL state police raided the home of a former department of health data scientist monday morning who is accusing florida officials of wrongfully firing her for refusing to manipulate covid19 statistics URL the home of the former department of health data scientist who has been running an alternative web site to the states covid19 dashboard was raided monday morning by state police according to a post she put on twitter late in the day URL as us covid19 deaths approach 300000 melania unveils the new white house tennis court URL i guess covid19 only working in our favor cause terrion arnold damn sure not going to fsu 500 mostly maskless fans crowd in for trey songz ohio club hit with covid19 violations URL loeffler offers the definition of a dodge in questions about trump URL URL maybe probably not actually race and ethnicity among children with covid19associated multisystem i URL background june 29 florida scientist says she was fired for not manipulating covid19 data URL #florida #covid19 URL URL trumps allies say rudy giuliani tested negative before his threestate swing but might be lying URL omfg what is going on here in #florida this is the lady who has been keeping count of the number of #covid cases this is proof they dont want the truth out #desantisisacriminal URL doing our part not only helps to #stopthespread but helps prevent #burnout frontline #healthcare workers are facing head over to my instagram to learn why wearing our masks for 100 days can help combat the spread of covid19 @user @user URL this is desantis florida agents raid home of fired florida data scientist who built covid19 dashboard URL mcconnell still holds covid19 relief hostage amid reports some senate democrats will cave in URL covid19 is taking an even more serious toll on communities of color than we thought URL today i have 8 immediate family members who have covid19 my 79 year old mon got tested today i live 1300 miles from them how does on one process this from that far away stay home for the holidays this is horrible #wearamask you would think fsu would keep their tally talent due to covid19 but oh yea thats right URL URL in all honesty there is two things that is stopping me from going to the gym 1 being lazy 2 covid furious at this they fired her for insubordination because she refused to manipulate covid19 data back in may URL hi bills mafiabuffalo as we all know small businesses have been hit hard with new rules and regulations due to covid19 posting a link and asking buffalo to do what they do best URL covid19 cases in florida confirmed 1065785 7711 1048264 residents 7537 17521 non residents 174 miami dade 245064 2014 broward 114426 792 palm beach 69331 419 deaths 19282 105 URL normalize getting covid19 tested before hanging out with friends the price of nitrile black gloves is so high since covid19 and its so annoying right and as if leonard taylor didnt visit uf a million times and still chose um hell even brashard smith if it was due to covid19 marshall would have committed to miami too but he didnt damn theyre annoying with their lame ass jokes URL i think the premiere of rhoa was actually good especially with covid19 affecting filming im sorry but im glad nene is gone the negative energy is now gone out the window :female_sign: what will the world look like after covid19 check out rashida jones and bill gates podcast they are joined by dr fauci huge changes and many hopes on the horizon get ready URL so @user sent his boys for rebekah all because she has all the receipts on his covid19 coverup URL coming up at 6pm on @user an exclusive look inside the covid19 units at @user but during this surge the doctors and nurses say they have an arsenal of pharmaceuticals plus we go inside their inpatient pharmacy to show you where they are prepping to store the vaccine wtf is this guns drawn on children what a sorry shame meanwhile covid19 runs rampant no leadership no compassion no relief @user did you see URL local food banks are still serving the community this holiday season despite covid19 follow the link to read more or learn what you can do to help URL @user #bocaratontribune #gatewaycommunityoutreach #jfs #palmbeachcountyfl #bocaraton #deerfield URL look at thisand he has covid19 giuliani in hospital URL stimulus update everything to know about the bipartisan 300 unemployment benefit plan URL dear mrs trump it is a nice project but the timing of this announcement considering food lines and massive covid19 disease was poorly timed she wrote sort of a let them eat cake moment URL stephanie ruhle is recovering from covid19 its privilege that lets you quarantine URL to whom it may concern from covid19 and the plagues to come in the future URL rebekah was fired from her job for defying florida @user order to cease reporting factual statistics on covid19 infections and deaths in our state this persecution for helping floridians seeking truth is unspeakable URL months ago a florida scientist refused to manually change covid19 data from a government portal got fired she launched an independent platform to track covid19 cases today law enforcement showed up at her house pointed guns at her children outrageous URL msnbc anchor #stephanieruhle recovering from covid19 please take this seriously :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: watch URL URL some trumploving bitch reported a tweet that i posted in 2017 and twitter locked my account until i personally removed the offending tweet ill be glad when all those morons die from covid we couldnt say bye to @user in a proper way thanks to covid19 but this 0122 we are back to give it a proper send off early bird tickets are on sale this show will operate at half capacity to have a safe event for everyone dont sleep on your tickets c u there URL congress eyes oneweek stopgap buying time for covid19 relief talks before shutdown URL as the covid19 pandemic wears on a new and free 24hour support line known as project connect is working to help individuals with developmental disabilities those who care for them cope during this time learn more URL #covid19 #projectconnect URL fyi florida dept of health just raided the home of the only person to report floridas covid19 numbers @user @user @user @user @user @user despicable that gop is silent on #covid wasting time with #traitortrump sedition election tampering too greedy to save lives URL if lockdowns work and mask mandates work why are states like ny ca mi and the rest of these democrat ran states not having substantially better numbers on covid these covid19 reschedules are driving me nuts i didnt realize there was a game on this is somebody who has been posting covid19 updates for florida URL i asked @user to extend my rental by 2 days explaining i am a nurse working with critical covid19 pts and my schedule will not allow me to bring it in before the end date their response if i dont bring the car in on the due date they will report the car stolen smh :female_sign: about every 50 minutes someone in la dies of covid19 URL holy shit this was the person sacked for reporting the covid19 numbers properly and not complying with desantis she created her own covid19 tracking dashboard and this happens fascist motherfuckers URL isnt this enough to have him removed from office now #trump URL congratulations to @user @user great job and policies @user @user all nyc businesses closed during 2020 covid19 URL americas franchise small business owners and workers continue to do their jobs in the midst of a global pandemic congress must do theirs tell washington put people over politics pass a covid19 relief bill and #savesmallbiz URL @user @user @user please act now and pass a covid19 relief bill to #savesmallbiz in our community URL covid19 in florida 7711 new cases and 105 deaths URL the arizona legislature will close for a week out of an abundance of caution after rudy giuliani president donald trumps personal attorney possibly exposed several republican lawmakers to covid19 URL this is surreal fl scientist whistleblower was served a warrant at gunpoint for publishing covid19 numbers #covid19 #florida #factsmatter URL across the jackson health system hospitals we currently have 178 inpatients who have tested positive for covid19 and we have safely discharged a total of 3764 since the pandemic began why are there 1000 new covid19 cases in nashville what are yall doing a covid19 love story URL covid19 is dangerous please help share awareness by getting involved under this post or by impression viewers productivity warm regards from florida @user @user @user a proposed #covid19 relief bill is expected to get backing from president donald trump and senate majority leader mitch mcconnell but wont include 1200 in direct payments to most americans a republican senator involved in the bipartisan talks says URL #southflorida businesses your insight is crucial were conducting another survey to gather vital data to understand your business needs due to #covid19 please take our survey URL participants receive a chance to win a 500 gift card to joes stone crab URL :biohazard_sign: pfizer offered the us more doses of the companys covid19 vaccine back in june but the trump administration declined to acquire them now their production is committed for at least 6 months and the us may not have URL when you put in charge of the URL arizona legislature closes after giuliani spent two days with maskless gop lawmakers URL request the senate to pass additional covid19 relief URL an interesting article about carbon capture exxon carbon capture is one of the many solutions i talk about on my podcast @user URL #climateaction so trump administration knowingly passed up on buying millions of doses of pfizers covid19 vaccine because it wasnt part of operation warp speed so now we wont be able to get the doses needed for the general us public till at least june of next year fucking fantastic iste20 live covid19 urges schools to reimagine classroom space URL URL why do yallll drive with your mask on does your car have covid19 should my car social distance from yours i need answers just found out my friend of 20 years nora collins died of covid19 she was deathly afraid of catching the virus her dallas community and this country failed her i am angry and heart broken ruhe in URL michael rapaport calls out flawed covid19 shutdown logic understands frustration URL florida surpassed one million covid19 cases today @user is enforcing this sunshine law requiring all government meetings to meet in person to be available to the publix even though meetings were more accessible online i trulyreally my cousin job forcing her to get covid19 vaccine superintendent notes troublesome truancy with students away from school URL why did one tell me you starting losing so much hair after covid hrsa wants to hear from you if you receive ryan white services URL do you know the difference between you and the covid19 there a non cuz sin a day one you both piss me off i smoked with someone while they had covid19 unknowingly and also had sex with my girl when she had covid19 unknowingly and i still didnt get it am i immune america first trump signs executive order prioritizing covid19 vaccine for americans URL well sure not enough democrats had died URL sweden hoped herd immunity would curb covid19 dont do what we did its not working URL pfas compound associated with severe covid19 URL by @user heres another look at covid19 deaths in the us vs europe URL new study examines loneliness mental health and substance use among us young adults during #covid19 URL still struggling just one week left to apply for millions in miamidade covid19 funds URL prime minister keith rowley says schools in trinidad will reopen virtually on january 4 with plans being put in place to have some students physically return to school in february URL URL when will the covid19 vaccines be available to the general public as the news around #covid19 vaccines continues here are answers to some of the frequently asked questions URL @user and his team are the #epitome of #covid19 #irresponsibility join us for our last teacher meeting of the year where educators will speak on knowing your lou during covid19 and speak on tools in holding administration accountable if they are not holding up covid19 guidelines you must register if you want to attend URL URL it can be difficult to communicate through masks 6 feet of social distance physical barriers and other factors due to covid19 that have changed our daily lives but for people with #hearing loss this is an especially challenging time URL URL a covid19 vaccination center and then a food bank URL our midfield depth was looking so scary early on that rival fans were literally moaning about the 5 substitution rulefast forward the most important match of the season coming up wednesday and we only have two fit midfielders left both of which have had covid19 #pain my face broke out from wearing this mask covid19 count your mfing days URL more south florida students are failing URL my 70 yr old aunt tested positive for covid19 she has stage 4 breast cancer and emphysema shes doing okay at home with a fever cough congestion and headache she cannot take her pill chemo until she gets through this wear a mask stay home #covid19 #covid message to family caregivers theres help even during covid19 URL today @user reported 7711 new positive #covid19 cases registered reflecting an increase of 725 from cases reported yesterday on dec 6 #floridas total positive cases 1065785 million :bangbang: 105 new resident URL ayo im tired of covid19 updates idgaf anymore im wearing my mask until yall niggas got a cure stop telling me who died and who tested positive just tell me when its over virtual fearless caregiver conference URL #geriatrician #cancer #alzheimers #azhcaregivers #timecounts #covid19 #longdistancecaregiving #senior #aging @user #fearlesscaregiver #covidcaregiving covid got my teachers doing a or f i love it here just realized beyonce not gonna throw a new years eve party this year cause of covid19 URL trump snubbed by pfizer and moderna as he prepares to host white house covid19 vaccine summit URL thinking about how insurance companys will probably try and weasile their way out of providing care for people decades from now becuase of long term of effects ofcovid19 the private sector should come forward and give small grants to smallbusinesses to overcome the covid19 economic crisis this is a clear sign that the vaccine is a dna changer pfizer covid19 jab warning no breastfeeding avoid pregnancy for 2 months unknown fertility impacts news URL doctors are still learning about the longterm effects patients can face weeks and months after having the coronavirus now a firstofitskind study highlights the neurological problems for many covid19 survivors URL video shows rudy giuliani exposing trump supporters to covid19 URL arizona legislature cant overturn the election because rudy giuliani exposed them to covid19 URL geezus you cant make this shitup biden announces key members of health team who will address covid19 pandemic once he takes office URL this the cure for covid19 URL so we can live out traditions during covid19 URL covid19 ft unidentified illness remix URL this is out of control covid19 deaths are risen around the clock what are we going to do floridians including the rest of the world arizona legislature closes for a week after rudy giuliani tests positive for covid19 usa URL its guaranteed that a great percentage of humans are going to get the covid19 cause no one has quarantined long enough at one time getting rich on his senate seat but keeping georgians and every american from getting covid19 relief because of the tyrant he wants to keep in office after losing the election dump #doubledealingdavid URL covid spread remains minimal in texas schools despite state surge URL dime algo biggest lie in miami in 2021 yes i got the covid19 vaccine injection trust me i know miami best thing coming outta a dying repubs mouth former alabama senator dies of covid19 at age 78 and in his last words warns we messed URL florida gas prices jump on covid19 vaccine optimism URL covid19 is on the rise if you are in need of professional and trusted decontamination services in south florida call us or message us 855 887 4272 #coronavirus #miami #southflorida URL top story stephanie ruhle my familys covid19 diagnosis shows how our broken confusing system exploits privilege URL see more URL #florida added another 7711 #covid19 cases and 106 additional deaths 2week positivity rate769 miamidade 2014 cases 21 additional deaths 2week positivity rate859 broward 792 cases 10 additional deaths 2week positivity rate730 URL covid19 vaccine finally URL finally contact tracing this is important its how many countries have been able to return to normal while preventing the spread of covid19 do it your phone is already tracking you so just use that feature to keep safe URL survey 55 of fdny members dont want to take covid19 vaccine URL is the covid19 test multiple choice or short answer after covid19 can we please have a biden rally where all of the resistance shows up in support im tired of hearing how many people show up for trump and that it means he was more popular this covid19 headache is no joke if i get covid19 im the first to go considering the amount of shit i put in my lungs is there any clue when this virus pandemic is no longer a pandemic if the virus just exists #covid19 #covidsucks #covid #corona #covid19 #covid #vaccine #trending #trump #trump2020 #home #fyp #explore #discover #foryou #foryoupage #retweet #favorite #twitter covid19 in florida 7711 new cases and 105 deaths URL at such a crucial time giving a platform to conspiracy theorists to spread myths and falsehoods about covid19 vaccines is downright dangerous and one of the last things senate republicans should be doing right now schumer said in statement tothe hill URL new jersey hospital diverts ambulances after covid19 outbreak URL URL horowitz florida leads nation in pushing accuracy and transparency of covid19 testing URL get ready for some more grocery gift cards miamidade commission votes to open up 75m in city cares allocations from only fema reimbursable covid19 expenses to any relief program had previously allocated 25m for the relief category im so irritated with the way covid19 has changed everything and there is no help if congress passes a stimulus with cash payments and retroactive unemployment benefits that would help i am not on unemployment now but from when i was that would save my ass #covidsurvivor #help coral gables mayor raul valdesfauli has tested positive for #covid19 hes asymptomatic and working from home URL free covid19 testing theodore r and thelma a gibson charter school every friday afternoon #experienceovertown #goingovertown URL they catching covid19 now :female_sign: URL learn about ways to help your business survive covid19 URL #startups #startup #startupsunited #funding #venturecapital #founders #covid listen upa face mask is not a political statementits a friggin iq test almost 300k people dead from covid19 3k ppl die everyday from covid19 do you really think the entire world is hoaxed #maskup the life you save may be your own or someone you love dont be a #maskhole URL this diy contact tracing app helps people exposed to covid19 remember who they met URL #fiunews URL a new report says urgent actions are needed by the irs for covidrelated tax relief full report URL URL it was just a matter of time but the creative economy was going to cash in on covid19 at some point might as well enjoy some entertainment while were at home #coronavirus #covid19 URL percent positive of newly reported florida covid19 cases is 764 according to the state miamidade 850 broward 768 palm beach 715 this is probably why i havent gotten covid19 lmfao jesus URL its crazy how i havent gone to my favorite place this year due to covid a black ferrari and 62000 at the casino how some are living large with covid19 relief aid URL 2014 new covid19 cases in miamidade 245064 in miamidade was 243050 yesterday 114426 in broward was 113634 yesterday 69331 in palm beach was 68912 yesterday florida tops 10000 covid19 cases for 3rd straight day as hospitalizations continue to rise URL whats the black market aka skip the line cost going to be for covid19 vaccines the current state of covid19 in colorado 12042020 prepared by the colorado covid19 modeling group URL prisons are petri dishes forcovid19 and executions only add to the risk bc they draw hundreds of people who travel from across the country including correctional dept of justice staff family members of the victim the accused lawyers and press URL rising covid19 cases lack of a new stimulus bill and pressure of potential govt shutdown are some catalysts driving markets lower this afternoon lawmakers expected to vote on wes on bill to avoid shutdown URL 7711 new reported florida covid19 cases 105 new deaths reported by state 1065785 total cases was 1058074 yesterday 56607 hospital admissions was 56457 yesterday 19282 deaths was 19177 yesterday i cannot imagine why any person would want to visit #florida currently our governor has decided this state should be a laboratory for herd immunity without a vaccine were closing in on 20000 death since the beginning of the #covid19 pandemic down here shameful florida adds 7711 covid19 cases and 100plus deaths push resident toll past 19200 URL from @user harden gonna need that health insurance when he gets covid19 URL making short films working as an emt interning heres how students are spending their gap semesters URL my small nostrils looking at the 10 inch swab the nurse pulled out for my covid19 test URL coronavirus update floridas department of health on monday confirmed 7711 additional cases of covid19 bringing the states known total to 1065785 also 105 new resident deaths were announced bringing the resident toll to 19282 URL when we start to understant that a lot of these i dont know how i got covid19 are really i got it from my side piece fetish activity and i cant tell nobody well get closer to being freed from it covid19 is being sexually transmitted pass it URL insights on the hyperscale data center market 20202024 covid19 industry analysis market trends URL still undefeated in the fight against covid19 even though i had my closest encounter this weekend i remember back in march i was being in denial bout covid19 affecting christmas let alone lasting past august 95 effective suspiciously rushed vaccine vs 9995 survivability rate without taking any poisons covid19 has a 9995 survival rate for people under 70 stanford professor of medicine URL journalists are currently bearing witness to individual and collective grief at high levels says psychologist elana newman phd research director at the dart center for journalism and trauma a project of the columbia university school of journalism URL the florida department of health reported 7711 new cases of covid19 on monday with 105 additional deaths URL but yeah my parents both have covid19 i havent been feeling well but me and my siblings came out negative lets just see how things turn out a couple of questions to ponder first would you take the covid19 vaccine tomorrow if you could secondly if no what would it take for you to get the covid19 vaccine shot tomorrow if it was available new numbers florida reports 7711 more covid19 cases monday and 105 deaths URL california unveils covid19 tracing tool cocreated by apple and google URL could covid19 vaccines carry fraud risk :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: what the truck with video URL #makingwaves #freightindustrynews the same people who preached staying home at the beginning of covid19 are now the ones going out and hanging in groups everyday dade county accounts for 2648 of floridas newly identified covid19 cases as of todays data release yet has 13 of floridas population florida is not dade county this commentary is by walter j andrews a partner at @user in miami and casey l coffey a law clerk in the firms insurance coverage group in miami URL memorial hospital pembroke provides antibody drug for early treatment of covid19 URL URL #coronavirusupdates great piece on the case against lock downs obviously will never be on @user URL regular and proper hand washing is the way to go wishing everyone a safe and healthy week #acostaadvisors #cpamiami #statistics #didyouknow #truefacts #facts #realfacts #pandemic #covid #coronavirus #stayhealthy #besafe #handwashing #handhygiene #checkthisout URL angela hill contracts covid19 ufc 256 fight off fight announcement URL the government of bermuda has imposed new restrictions on bars and clubs and a usd 500 mask fine among the new regulations aimed at combating a surge in covid19 cases URL URL oregon doctors license revoked over claims covid19 a common cold and refusal to wear face mask URL its one thing to hear and see mfs taking covid19 like a joke but its another thing for to see it affect people close to home and they still dont take it seriously like im fucking isolating myself from everyone at this point dr brian tysons firstperson account of treating covid19 with hydroxychloroquine the economic standard :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: URL i have decided to venture into the world of blogging and i will be highlighting special things that our amazing teacher are doing in their classrooms please join me on the journey follow commentshare enjoy the inspiration URL dime algo the year is january 2022 half the miami population will lie that they got the covid19 injection especially in hialeah a lot of fakes silicon watches purses even your family and coworkers will lie but are maskless with lie forget about the tourist URL my building is closed for the rest of the week to disinfect for covid19 bruhhhh uh and in scary covid19 news lingering side effects may include ed erectile disfunction or some type of scrotal decay wtf is that its the moral equivalent of having your dick fall off not good URL part of me wishes i owned a publicserving business simply so i could publicly not comply with covid19 orders check out my latest video podcast episode with @user URL URL diaz on head athletic trainer vinny scavo who shared recently he was hospitalized with covid19 if one of us hurts all of us hurtim always reluctant to talk about individual cases because the scope of what people in our program have gone through is dramatic my familys covid19 diagnosis shows how our broken confusing system exploits privilege URL the pandemic has eviscerated traditional revenue streams linked to the daytoday operations of most museums and like other industries the economic pain brought on by the coronavirus also is highlighting an expanding wealth gap within the sector :_emoji_not_identified_U200B_: URL think #drunkdriving is on the decline due to #covid19 think again check out my interview with @user on the lift u up podcast drinking and driving covid19 is taking a toll URL @user @user #drunkdrivingendshere #dontgivebackjustgive ive been doing science tests and snorting emergenc does not prevent covid the only way michigan can be the spoiler for osu this year is to cancel their final game URL breaking fiu reported having 40 new covid19 cases last week the highest number of cases reported for both faculty and staff members working remotely or on campus by @user URL 350 million for an election in georgia covid19 relief 0 this is our government at its finest its shameful we should be called the divided states of america watch and share this video @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user URL sun sentinel investigation gov ron desantis ordered public health officials not to discuss the covid19 virus with the public cbs miami :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: are you kidding URL pcr is not testing for disease its testing for a specific rna patternand this is the key pivot when you crank it up to 25 70 of the positive results are not really positives in any clinical sense sinceit cannot make you or anyone else sick #covid hello to all the obamacare raffle has been a success once again while we are still in the season of giving first class has done it again this raffle was very intense the three lucky winners now have something extra in their pockets during this time of covid19 18007326092 URL webinar reminder there is still time to register for tomorrows 2 pm et webinar focusing on the student experience at community colleges during covid19 register here URL when the whole crew of people that was hating on you at work you got sick with covid19 :male_sign: do you say look at god orgodblessthem staying safe while working through the corona virus pandemic we are currently open and working in miami and surrounding cities #covid19 #ppe URL i sure hope this is not a statement about the masks we wear to limit covid19 exposure URL dear @user @user @user ive been a fan for 17 y to be honest i dont want to watch covid19 on a fiction drama it is not only depressing but boring we need fiction to distract ourselves from current events we already have enough with the news xoxo ps this was not a suicidal tweet that was a tweet acknowledging that i just quit my job it was never going to be permanent but i needed to make an income during covid19 luckily a much better opportunity has presented itself :red_heart: URL mannnnn with all the shit ive done since the pandemic started im surprised i never got covid19 i woke up sick this morning but it aint covid19 i shouldve got that shit like 20 timesbynow im sorry youre inconvenienced with the fact that you arent able to go to school in person and have to do it online im more concerned about my friend who wasnt able to say goodbye to their sick dad died from covid19 and wasnt able to go to his funeral because of covid attend our next free caribbean tourism health safety training series on covid19 essential health guidelines for the hospitality sector on wednesday december 9 at 2 pm et and receive a certificate of participation register now URL URL a new study fromthe infectious diseases society of america found thatat 25 cycles of amplification 70 of pcr test positives are not cases since the virus cannot be cultured its deadand by 35 97 of the positives are nonclinical #covid #desantis @user residents a grocery gift card assistance program has been started for those residents who have experienced hardship due to covid19 learn more about if you qualify URL URL covid slide shows more students failing south florida URL trumploving megachurch pastor covid19 vaccine is preparing the structure for the antichrist URL just to sum it up en anglais @user said canada is getting the covid19 vaccine real soon and yall laughed when i said i wish i was born au canada je vais le redire jaurais aime etre canadienne URL whats open and closed amid las stricter covid19 rules URL URL keeping schools open isnt even the answer here students are shuffling from in person learning to distance learning because of classroom covid19 cases i know of one student that has been sent home on 3 different occasions for a 14 day quarantine URL still struggling just one week left to apply for millions in miamidade covid19 funds URL covid19 wont stop florida real estate boom in 2021 URL URL breaking coral gables mayor raul valdesfauli 77 has tested positive for covid19 valdesfaulis last public appearance was at the citys tree lighting ceremony friday URL new coral gables mayor raul valdesfauli @user latest elected official to test positive for covid19 valdesfaulis last public appearance was at the citys tree lighting ceremony friday URL do patients and the healthcare business model contribute to climate change find out more URL #selfcare #selfpayhealthcare #selfpaydoctors #mentalhealth #savemoney #southflorida #wellnesscenter #healthandwellness #doctor #covid #nurse #health #wellness i love how people are using the whole suicide rates are up because of lockdowns line lets be real you are using that statistic to fit your narrative if you really gave a shit about mental illness you wouldnt use covid19 as a crutch hisundial is live on @user w@user :_emoji_not_identified_U31 U20E3_: has governor desantis and his administration done enough to keep us safe from covid19 @user @user join us to talk about a new @user investigation :_emoji_not_identified_U32 U20E3_: how to find joy in the kitchen this holiday season URL covid can last up to 24 hours on cardboard surfaces now is not the time to be using used boxes the good news is uboxes has got you covered with a ton of new boxes that can be delivered right to your doorstep for extra protection try our doublewalled boxes URL #asia how the chinese regime used covid19 to try pulverize taiwan URL by@user mango flavored covid19 vaccine gon be hitting hi friendly reminder that covid19 is very much real and fucking sucks wear your masks and stay safe people rudy giuliani learned through experience that trump is a danger to our health lloyd URL congress looks for lastminute covid19 #stimulus deal as benefits cliff looms URL im convinced james harden is trying to get covid19 to avoid playing this year URL broward mayor steve geller on covid19 plans for the county URL fda warns against fake covid19 products URL usually i host a #writeforrights party but this yr due to covid19 it was me and my 6yr old nieceshe is an expert at doing rainbows fortunately #w4r20 @user #humanrights #amnestyinternational URL based on what weve seen happen to theaters during covid19 and the pivots made by disney and warner media this could go down as the last great blockbuster if so what a way to go out URL georgia to uphold bidens win as birx says states abandoned prevention tactics live URL ima buy more moderna till april maybe this is a big covid19 play URL amazing how easily our elected officials and bureaucrats will take away our freedoms and how many will comply without the least bit of questioning in giving them up URL hi #parents worried about the vaccine have questions read this from @user join her newsletter and get this information in your inbox we do and we love it a big week for covid19 vaccine by @user URL follow me panthers close facility after positive virus tests the carolina panthers shut down their facility monday and tuesday after announcing additional players were placed on the reservecovid19 list coming off the teams bye week URL pure hypocrisy covid19 deniers end up in the hospital and hope to receive care animal activists want to be treated for their medical conditions with drugs that require animal research for their own safety URL list of people in us politics who have tested positive for covid19 whenever rappers mention quarantine or covid19 on their new songs URL its funny how when he has it its covid19 but when anyone else has it its the china virus URL watch todays special meeting on covid19 live on twitter URL just read that the coral gables mayor attended a huge city run christmas tree lighting ceremony on friday and this morning was diagnosed with you guessed it covid19 so now my city mayor and county mayor both have it stay safe everyone prices at the gas pumps are on the rise once again the state average is now nearly 13 cents more than a week ago due to optimism over the #covid19 vaccine URL todays special meeting on covid19 will begin shortly stay tuned see agenda URL URL when is the covid20 people going to come out with their initial public offering i want to buy that stock when it is cheap 68 of all businesses have experienced an increase in fraud this year is yours vulnerable @user paul greenspan shares his insights on how you can mitigate fraud risk in the current edition of cep magazine URL URL a week after the uk became the first western country to authorize widespread use of a vaccine against covid19 it is preparing to administer its first shots on tuesday in its war on the virus URL meet the seven key economic advisors that will help joe biden lead through the covid19 crisis URL remind your family and friends to get their annual flu shot by taking a #sleeveup photo for national influenza vaccination week getting protected from flu illnesses preserves our medical systems so they can focus on covid19 patients lets #fightflu together as a URL more people died in the us from covid19 nearly every day last week than died in the japanese bombing of pearl harbor URL URL bestia 666 reveals his father damian 666 and mother tested positive for covid19 URL the latest local politician to get a #positive #test for #covid19 is #coralgables mayor raul valdesfauli no symptoms you may want to get tested if you were at fridays tree lighting his last public event URL last chance to prepare for the storm #flurriesofworries as covid19 continues and the christmas season is upon us join #faithartjournaling live tuesdays at 9 am on facebook and URL today my first day off in 15 days ive done so much this morning and i still got laundry and take this covid19 test god bless seeking attention validation is more dangerous than covid im fucking convinced that i had covid19 in februarymarch but my doctors couldnt figure out what it was what the fuck the government of antigua and barbuda have begun the distribution of hightech covid19 bracelets which will be used to monitor peoples movements in quarantine URL URL this cause is close to my heart please URL breaking coral gables mayor raul valdesfauli @user tests positive for covid19 URL #coralgables #covid19 @user URL when observing fl covid19 cases one county stands out dade with 13 of the population their influence on the states numbers are outsized this graph is the 7day avg of fls newly identified cases attributable to dade where dade goes so goes the URL in one of the final policy moves of an administration that has spent the past 4 years rolling back more than 100 #environmental regulations the @user declined to tighten controls on industrial soot disregarding its link to #covid19 deaths URL with virtual visits and wearable health monitors on the rise a strong wireless connection can benefit your health learn how 5g is helping take healthcare out of the doctors office and into the home URL #telehealth #healthcare URL good news for canada URL new icd10 and msdrg codes are coming on jan 1 is your hospital #revenuecycle team ready to code correctly to prevent #denials we can help URL #sunbelthp #revenuecycle @user URL the financial pressures surrounding covid19 have led employers to look for new ways to contain health care costs URL uk prepares to give first covid19 vaccinations as the world watches URL due to an abundance of caution in response to covid19 fau hockey has not yet been cleared to play for the spring 2021 season it is not likely we will return to competition next semester we look forward to getting back on the ice in the fall @user @user URL south koreas health minister describes seoul as a covid19 war zone URL ok so people out here snorting coke poppin mollies and x sippin on that lean taking oxis and other opiods and straight shootin up crack yet taking the covid19 vaccine is where they drawing the line dr david samadi md people were having a light flu season because people are wearing masks and social distancing me then why are there so many new covid19 cases people because not everyone is wearing masks social distancing URL iccrom heritage in times of covid19 URL URL delivery truck accidents are on the rise in part due to covid19 if you or a loved one was involved in a #delivery #truck crash call the #lawfirm of glotzer kobren pa at 5613618677 for a free consultation regarding your legal rights URL though covid19 canceled #artbasel #miamibeach is still putting on a show @user reports on outdoor art including @user where #miaminewdrama debuts seven deadly sins where each sin is performed for small groups at a time from storefronts URL URL it was just a matter of time but the creative economy was going to cash in on covid19 at some point might as well enjoy some entertainment while were at home #coronavirus #covid19 URL my gma fell this morning and had to get taken to the hospital and shes also been tested positive for covid19 send one up for herpls when observing fl covidoccupied beds one county stands out dade with 13 of the population their influence on the states numbers are outsized this graph is the 7day avg of fl covid19 beds attributable to dade where dade goes so goes the URL this is how patriotic republicans and its lawyers are to our country no masks whatsoever video shows rudy giuliani exposing trump supporters to covid19 URL opinion my entire familys covid19 diagnosis revealed how broken our system truly URL my life is just a constant cycle of waking up not feeling well thinking i have covid19 eating and feeling better realizing it was just because i was hungry and then repeating every day its not covid19 URL years of research laid groundwork for speedy covid19 shots URL URL if you dont know the difference between their and there pls do not get the covid19 vaccine your bloodline means nothing whew #covid19 #coronaviruspandemic URL URL georgia republican kelly loeffler who dumped millions in stocks following a private covid19 briefing dodged a question about whether senators should trade stocks URL URL trump administration declines to tighten soot rules despite link to covid19 deaths URL 12 days ago i tested positive for covid19 how i got itdont know but i can say that ive been extremely blessed to only have had loss of smell and taste as my symptoms tomorrow awaits my second test im hopeful itll be negative even newsmax is inadvertently admitting masks reduce covid19 URL the covid19 vaccine race has caused unprecedented demand for companies that make freezers and glass vials URL URL conversation is swirling around whether or not to get the covid19 vaccine once it is widely available my advice talk to your primary care #physician they are best equipped to answer your questions insightful article @user @user URL #health covid19 third world war in a bacteriological way no doubts qatar world cup venue to open with covidrecovered fans URL URL more americans will die on this pearl harbor day from covid19 than from the actual pearl harbor but i doubt disney makes a movie about that sun sentinel investigation gov ron desantis ordered public health officials not to discuss the covid19 virus with the public URL covid19 impact on electronic medical records emr software market 20212026 #health #healthcareit #ehealth #healthcare #digitalhealth #ehr #emr URL thanks to its loyal customer base essence boutique is still standing URL opinion my entire familys covid19 diagnosis revealed how broken our system truly URL tune in at noon to watch todays special meeting to appoint a new county commissioner for district 8 followed by a special meeting on covid19 at 1230pm URL covid19 has put a pause on task list 4 students trying to achieve a certification bacb to extend task list 4 supervision dealine due to covid19 sign the petition URL for fairnessandjustice :sparkles: pending government approval some of the university of miami health systems frontline professionals could be inoculated with the first covid19 vaccine starting in middecember administrators said how can digital advertising help small businesses recover from covid19 URL #ad covid19 teach me a lot of experience in my life as like lazy life spent a lot money when u at home for eat and shoppings know the actually useful friends and many more i wish once again the world as like before and i will be change my wrongs habits and wrongsdecision getting the covid19 vaccine email from work feels like a light at the end of the tunnel offering 1500 possible to get the covid19 vaccine shit wouldnt even cover the side effects things no one tells you about covid19 a thread the us #airline industry and its pilots are essential to the distribution of a covid19 vaccine congress and government leaders must #extendpsp now to ensure critical infrastructure is in place to distribute a vaccine :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: american lives depend on it @user the us #airline industry and its pilots are essential to the distribution of a covid19 vaccine congress and government leaders must #extendpsp now to ensure critical infrastructure is in place to distribute a vaccine :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: american lives depend on it @user the us #airline industry and its pilots are essential to the distribution of a covid19 vaccine congress and government leaders must #extendpsp now to ensure critical infrastructure is in place to distribute a vaccine :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: american lives depend on it @user about to run out of gas in the covid19 testing line #justgirlythings during the beginning of #covid i started my own chicken coop and grew my garden i couldnt feed my family without the help of the supermarket lockdowns will cause food shortages covid19 kills but hunger kills more #foodforthought crime prevention expert @user is live with @user at 1120 talking about the fda warning people to watch out for fake covid19 products URL ga kelly mccreary unsure that meredith will die on s17 we are in suspense URL covid cases are soaring here i just want my birthday to pass then we can go on lockdown people who shame others for leaving their homes during #covid show the incredible disconnect they have with reality who do you think grows the food that shows up in supermarkets and how do you suppose it got there i guess its ok to shame those that work so you can be safe why do my abs hurt when i have done no physical activity besides rolling out of bed is this a covid19 symptomsarcasm as #fau gets closer to 400 cumulative positive covid19 cases they made the option for most classes that students can decide if they want to attend it inperson or virtually check out my story URL as of monday 369 cumulative positive covid19 cases were reported at fau 340 are students and 29 are employees URL many of the schools to receive ppp funds also were among the 419 colleges and universities on cashmanagement programs implemented by the us department of education :_emoji_not_identified_U200B_: URL broward mayor steve geller joins @user at 1105 with more on covid19 numbers his plans for the county and suggestions as the holidays get closer URL this thursday dec 10 at 11am we are partnering with @user at the university of miami to discuss covid19 mental health live on our facebook page if you have questions submit them now at URL learn more at URL URL researchers predict coronavirus deaths in the us could double by april even as vaccines could save close to 9000 lives URL URL the @user mortgage assistance programs application period has been extended until tues dec 29 for eligible city homeowners behind on their mortgage due to covid19 those who qualify can get up to 10000 in assistance find the application at URL saying we should lift all covid19 restrictions because it should be a personal decision :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: if youre scared stay home is like saying there shouldnt be speed limits because if youre scared dont drive i think i have covid19 but then idk my body hurts like crazy my eyeballs hurt and when i cough it hurts bro so can this be covid19 i can still taste my food but im all congested new story on npr south koreas health minister describes seoul as a covid19 war zone URL the looming eviction crisis URL #techjunkieinvest something about gettin covid19 tests for work rub me the wrong way online shopping is on the rise and foot traffic to retailers is down due to covid19 how can retailers cope storeasshowcase may be the revitalization that retail needs in a postpandemic world read my new piece now URL #retailspaces #walmart URL our thoughts and prayers go out to all during these difficult #covid19 #pandemic times we all need to stand up and #support small #businesses and our #healthcare providers #fda time to approve these #vaccines for all enough is enough @user @user URL is this your governor killmonger voice URL key biscaynes appointment only covid19 testing continues this week with times available on thursday and friday december10th and 11th please visit URL to schedule and pay #covid19 #kbstayhome #flattenthecurve URL im pretty sure i know someone doing that whole covid19 relief unemployment scam and since they play in my face im debating leaving an anonymous tip a black ferrari and 62000 at the casino how some are living large with covid19 relief aid :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: via :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: URL britain is preparing to become the first country to roll out the pfizerbiontech covid19 vaccine this week tune in at 1050 for the latest update with @user URL trump predicted covid19 covid covid19 would end after the election its worse than ever URL all of the times president trump said covid19 will disappear URL trumps long history with URL two hour wait times for covid19 testing in miamidade URL texas doesnt give a shit about covid19 whatsoever i was halfway cultureshocked qatar world cup venue to open with 50 covidrecovered fans URL URL @user its great to hear you say compromise is within reach on a covid19 deal but americans need covid19 relief now the 908 billion offer by a bipartisan senate group is a great place to start this is no time to leave americans out in the cold #letcongressvote in sweden where the didnt lockdown close businesses or schools the report that 999 of the covid19 cases are a mild condition URL the heat are in good hands with trainer jay sabol URL even desantis staff urged him to require masks but he didnt steve URL i had a nasty nasty flu that ripped my insides out at the very beginning of the year that i am still somewhat convinced that might have been covid19 anyhow seems like about 2030 more minutes inline two of my family members have covid19 and one is being hospitalized today it someone feels easier to tell the internet first dr stephen mogusu has died of covid19 complications URL we want you to know that we are all in this together here are some tips to follow in case you have symptoms or want to know more about what to do to prevent covid19 #ehr #healthcare #medicaldoctor #doctor #practicelife #telehealth #doctorhelperehr URL gloria estefan pays tribute to the bus driver she lost to covid19 he drove superstars URL based upon your experience with hiv you are well aware of the safety and efficacy of leronlimab you also know it has covid19 applications lets get it approved now and save some lives nothing else seems very effective eua today no time to waste scheduling meetings URL join us for the third installment of our #hereforyou series conversations on wage and bank account garnishment during covid19 this coming monday dec 14 #legalservicesmiami #buildacommunityofequaljustice #accesstojusticeisessential URL it makes me angry these are the jobless in a city filled with wealth URL regeneron will provide 300000 doses of covid19 treatment for us by early january ceo schleifer says URL heel pain is no joke and its getting worse thanks to covid19 heres more URL URL your technocratic overlords will be monitoring everything about you big tech google oracle to monitor americans who get covid19 vaccine URL it was just a matter of time but the creative economy was going to cash in on covid19 at some point might as well enjoy some entertainment while were at home #coronavirus #covid19 URL warehouses in germany were outfitted with freezers to securely store the covid19 vaccines once they are approved by the government for distribution take a look at just one of many locations the vaccine will be stored until distribution URL URL health officials say that this time next week vaccinations may have already begun is there a covid19 relief bill in the works @user has more details coming up at 1020 URL arizona legislature closes after giuliani spent two days with maskless gop lawmakers URL federal reserve bank says 44 of americans report their #retirement savings not on track 25 dont have #pensions or retirement #savings #covid19 URL in line for covid19 testing wish me luck URL glad to see @user this morning on @user for those who missed it she talked about her covid19 diagnosis and illness thank you as always for your candor stephanie wishing you well my friend donations from #american #covid19 survivors support future treatments #blood #plasma donated by covid19 survivors in the #us is helping to develop treatments to fight the disease @user #enduringpromise URL a toyko aquarium welcomed the holiday season w an underwater show featuring santa claus the aquarium has hosted the show for over 20 years and is continuing the tradition this year with covid19 measures in place see more #trending and viral videos at URL URL this whole covid19 situation has given every unhinged person in this country the opportunity to act their crazy up in public and be called a sensitive concerned citizen instead of a deranged witch on crack URL the covid19 test is bogus 90 of the time did my covid19 test and it wasnt so bad free i am personally buying kodk the stock soared because of no wrongdoings being found regarding a loan to proceed with a vaccine here is the article URL listening to corbin in the covid19 test line feeling like this could be the end if youre so worried about covid19 why the hell are you in miami stay the fuck home i thought i had #covid shit im staying in the house cause shit it felt like my dumb ass had it #fucktheclub they need to shut the clubbars and restaurants back down shit aint no joke :white_frowning_face: shit aint no game i got my warning :warning: climate change is ushering in a new pandemic era rolling stone URL at the hospital this morning getting blood typed and a covid19 test preparing for surgery tomorrow if any of you see this wish me luck as im a wreck i wanna go to comic con dream con and anime con so fucking bad i gotta go when covid19 over with what would be really fucked up is if my bday in april is affected by covid19 for a second time and its my 30th this isnt good chunghas tested positive for covid19 i really hope that she recovers soon make the covid19 relief negotiations public so americans van see how all this money is being spent and by who URL miamis small fashion and beauty brands were hit hard by covid19 they pivoted fast URL doctor reacts to trumps promotion of a covid19 hoax cnn URL in the latest edition of #deliveredmagazine levi strauss operations manager for europe talks about how the retail giant pivoted and grew its online business in the midst of covid19 read all about it here URL nonmedical hospital workers who have direct contact with covid19 units ie custodial staff secretaries food service etc should get the vaccine before physicians and nurses who dont care for covid19 patients ie orthopedics derm ophthalmology shouldnt be controversial after his diagnosis with covid19 rudy guiliani was rushed to the cleveland clinic URL even desantis staff urged him to require masks but he didnt steve URL field technicians are the visible face of their companies but were in the middle of a pandemic and that has changed everything luckily for you dispatch software like synchroteam can be your ally learn more URL URL i swear i saw here on twitter that giuliani is going to court to have his covid19 results overturned rudy giuliani says hes feeling good after testing positive for covid19 URL trying to understand why air bnb is going up up right now the vaccines arent distributed just yet and covid19 cases are at an all time high ive got some reading to do a satanic conspiracy fascist looser final days of denial and rage posted about 145 messages on twitter lashing out at the results of an election he lost he mentioned the covid19 pandemic now reaching its darkest hours only four times claiming experts were wrong a fuing looser URL welp that sucks URL if you are worried about covid19 stay home or wear a mask dont worry about what others do #fortlauderdale had a plan to regulate escooters then covid19 hit program has been suspended since march when the most recent operating permits expired city officials cant say when scooters will be back due to the uncertainty surrounding covid19 URL yall if you dont already know stop traveling to puerto rico yall idiots are bringing covid19 to theirisland take a look at this the covid19 crisis has driven as many as 2 million women :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: particularly mothers with young children :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: to consider leaving the workforce or stepping back from their careers @user URL dozens of protesters gathered outside home of michigan elections chief :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: give it a fucking rest already there are people dying from covidpeople losing homesapartments children going to bed hungrymake yourselves useful have a collection URL doctor who told stop the steal ralliers to remove their masks has his license revoked dog URL chnc pharmacology university using cannabis to fight covid19 URL bldv 12billion share reduction licensing rounds in multiple states the next big mmj runners cbdd cbdl URL it is disgusting and a slap in the face for the millions of americans exposed to the covid19 pandemic due to an irresponsible and uncaring government URL healthy recipes can still be enjoyed even during lunch you can have a meal prep done where all the portions are done healthy eating lowers risk of heart disease breast cancer and covid19 #healthyeating #healthyheart URL can i just go to a different country to wait covid19 out here in the us because everyone else seems to have their shit together me i think i have covid19 boss youre my only employee double mask it up i literally only go to work and back home only to find out that i was with someone that was in contact with someone that had covid19 and they knew fuck people man stop pushing pseudoscience please read scientific articles about the difference between hiv cancer the flu and covid19 they are so different from one another to write them in a sentence is mind boggling tome this is going to be a rough week for many keep your heads on dont antagonize people out of spite and keep your family safe anything that can be done on zoom do it on zoom or remotely like black parents say to our kids survive the encounter covid19 is the encounter man if i get covid19 just because someone else wasnt careful i swear covid19 and high taxes from taxloaded states has accelerated relocation of businesses to florida URL by withdrawing critical covid19 information from floridians @user has caused thousands of lives desantis must resign URL its only intermission although @user may be temporarily closed due to covid19 the staff has worked hard to create some great remote entertainment available to you right in the safety of your own home visit URL URL if we want any real chance at getting kids back into their typical routines educators and school staff should be first in line experts argue URL # so the people i live with got covid19 i might got that shit too the covid19 slide more south florida students are failing URL lately we dont get that natural break line of office hours to switch off computers emails and other correspondence :coffee: read about your 1st steps to creating more defined boundary lines for work and personal life read URL URL baseball interest meeting wednesday december 16th in the gym 6th 7th 8th graders from 6pm645 pm 9th 10th11th and 12th graders from 7pm745 pm each student may only bring one parent due to covid19 URL take advantage of these covid19 estate planning opportunities by the end of2020 URL fdny basically live together the firehouse when working but have not been dying en masse why not do a covid19 URL florida epidemiologists fear the states covid19 numbers could soon hit or exceed levels reached in the summer when the pandemic was at its peak URL URL secrecy and spin how floridas governor misled the public on the covid19 pandemic @user @user @user URL existential peril mass transit faces huge service cuts across us URL post covid19 vibessssss if you want to know how covid19 began look for who benefits off it that is how all crimes happen URL new story on npr biden names health secretary covid19 czar other key members to health team URL if we look we can see the way covid19 has been handled worldwide is wrong and those in power know it proof ebola look at how it is handled look what is done when there is a breach they lock the borders they stop all flights they contain it same people different plan wear a face mask no way is covid19 serious nope head to the hospital with mild symptoms absolutely URL this is overdue :arrow_down: URL people talk about the antivaccine people being able to kind of squelch uptake i dont see that happening demand for covid19 vaccines expected to get heated :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: and fast URL 1 the socialistcommunist who keep pushing the nasty narrative that president trump is responsible for 250000 deaths are wrong we know this figure is hugely overblown because the hospitals receive a fee of 8000 to 12000 per covid19 death even if you die from a heart gonzaga uconn pause mens basketball after covid19 tests URL covid19 has transformed healthcare for good here are the benefits of remote care in the new age of #telehealth URL a black ferrari and 62000 at the casino how some are living large with covid19 relief aid URL for grandparents raising grandchildren covid19 makes things harder URL subscription strategies in the age of covid19 7 developments for publishers URL #subscription #strategy #covid19 #publishers #newsmedia #newsorganizations #newsrevenue tyson suspends meat plant managers accused of covid19 betting pool URL URL the japanese attack on pearl harbor happened 79 years ago today killing 2403 americans which led our great president fdr to mobilize a national response donald trump does nothing as over 3000 citizens die daily from covid19 his presidency will live in infamy #mondaythoughts unbelievable another leader not wearing a mask what is it with these people not wearing a mask it says to me they dont think covid19 is URL please god get my family through covid19 unharmed how tulums burning man became a covid19 superspreader event URL what is it like to test a covid19 vaccine dave shares his experience URL miami beach rolls out covid19 relief grants for film print projects URL why experts say teachers should be prioritized for the covid19 vaccine huffpost URL this is one of the most barbaric and disturbing forms of population control ive ever heard of covid19 did not cause this the governments pushing control under the guise of covid19 have URL the bipartisan 908 billion covid19 stimulus plan doesnt include new 1200 stimulus checks and senators say the checks can only be agreed after biden takes office URL URL the difference in fortunes at the airport properties is emblematic of a broader truth for hotels throughout the us those that cater to extendedstay travelers offering limited service at modest room rates have weathered covid19 better than most :_emoji_not_identified_U200B_: URL video shows rudy giuliani exposing trump supporters to covid19 URL #moneygrammonday @user certain make this covid19 christmas a lot easier URL dr birx covid19 vaccine wont save us from this current surge URL URL the 2021 food and beverage industry trends reflect both the significant impacts of the covid19 pandemic on the industry as well as the ever evolving tastes and preferences of consumers URL dime algo no public service announcements miamidade is home to the ignorant please hispanic radio unfortunately a large population does not read or speak english but listen to amfm radio do your part if we dont follow the rules covid19 will cover the local URL hopefully dr walenskys experience with hiv is very knowledgeable about success safety of leronlimab and covid19 applications maybe she can move fda to move forward quickly with eua for leronlimab to treat patients and save livesshes got the experience to certify this drug URL rudy giuliani may have exposed hundreds to covid19 doctor says yes im biker dog not biker doc but i will share this top intel secret about china lab coronavirus19it is spread by touching only cant spread by airmask is democrats fear system to control dog the legendary house of covid19 10 10 10 across the emergency room category is arm control in the coffin lol URL hoping @user gets well soon how come we dont hear on the news anyone from bidens entourage teat positive for covid health experts warn that we cant go into the holidays with the same type of attitude many had at thanksgiving or else we will see a huge winter surge of coronavirus URL @user nicola sturgeon in her daily covid19 briefing pivoting to the likely prospect of a nodeal brexit not political at all in continuing with our covid19 as an accelerant theme transit is a life and death issue for people in cities big and small legislators need to step up and extend a lifeline to these agencies URL britons will roll up their sleeves on tuesday for a covid19 vaccine jab as the world anxiously watches URL well rudolph giuliani my most honourable father used to say who dont hear must feel you along with trump and other arrogant gop folks claimed you all were invincible and infallible i hope covid19 will humble you and make you a better human being psp #coronaviruspandemic covid ate it URL young adults and mental health during covid19 #resilience @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user URL it bothers me when i see ppl complaining bout during covid19 if they have an income in any way everyone around me got the loan unemployment or a job ive been denied for all 3 all year since march realize how blessed you are some of us got fckd over really bad duringcovid its crazy there was a virus called ebola and swine flu how in the hell yall forget about tht now they have this covid19 shit oh man #awaken #covid19 #edola #swineflu #cnn #foxnews #goodmorning #wakeup #staywoke #truth #viral fishermen help fight mental health problems in britain during the pandemic by by megan specia via nyt new york times URL hamilton in race to be fit for abu dhabi gp URL problemsolver kirstie alley has best solution for political leaders imposing covid19 lockdowns URL senators behind the bipartisan 908 billion covid19 stimulus plan said they are close to an agreement with one republican saying its one that even trump and mcconnell could back URL URL the governor and his administration have done it through misinformation and spin :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: a tv news interview with investigative journalist @user about the salient @user investigation on @user #covid19 strategy in #florida URL unfortunately covid19 has forced many businesses to shut down if this is your situation were here to assist you in any way we can including taking care of various tax obligations a business must file a final income tax return and some other related forms for the year i URL obviously sen dianne feinstein not wearing a mask in public says she doesnt think covid19 is that serious URL covid is killing more than 2000 people a day in the us as infections and hospitalizations hit records @user URL israel is running out of protective gear and testing materials for covid19 i guess they chose to purchase f 16 and f 15 and f 23 jetsfor 86 million people only 86 million citizens the military is their focus in photos how the covid19 pandemic unfolded in 2020 URL i will never everrrrrr understand how conservatives heard about covid19 killing people and they just refuse to wear mask and grown ass adults threw protest and tantrums in stores about it the flexibility of being able to work from home even sometimes is one of the positive outcomes of covid19 on my experience in a line in #miami to get the #coronavirus #vaccine according to the @user my spouse is #1 my kids are #55 and #56 and im #95 URL stop the spread of covid19 by simply turning on your bluetooth URL 13 prominent democrats stand accused of hypocrisy for ignoring covid19 restrictions they27re ur URL trump rudy both exhibit the neurological side effects of covid19 infection they couldnt think straight before they got the disease gop expose themselves gather without masks or distancing believe covid19 is exaggerated yet herd immunity is a recommended cure come on #coronavirus #california approaching day 300 in the golden state of the 15 day lock down to slow the spreadeinsteins theory of insanity on full display on the loony liberal left coast URL trump rudy both exhibit the neurological side effects of covid19 infection they couldnt think straight before they got the disease URL shameful @user you are a disgrace to public service #deathsantis #flailedcovidresponse sun sentinel investigation gov ron desantis ordered public health officials not to discuss the covid19 virus with the public cbs miami URL americans could begin getting covid19 vaccines as early as friday an fda advisor says URL URL had my first covid19 nitemare was at a gathering and no one would wear a mask only me and i was berated for doing so why ive been noticing a ton of hivaids treatment ads since ive been back here in florida did something besides covid19 happen while i was away palm beach county school district nears 1000 covid19cases URL anthony joshua already had covid19 back in march reveals promoter eddie hearn who expects heavyweight champion to test negative ahead of fight with kubrat pulev URL #boxing we lost everything due to covid19 URL giuliani says hes recovering quickly following positive covid19 test URL new york city elementary schools are reopening while other cities are moving in the other direction by by j david goodman and melina delkic via nyt new york times URL bergamos pandemic survivors carry unseen incalculable scars by by jason horowitz via nyt new york times URL turkey 105yearold woman beats covid19 in 5 days URL willy kimani trial postponed after lawyer cliff ombeta test positive for covid19 well my nana has covid hamilton faces a race to be fit for this weekends abu dhabi gp #f1 URL rudy giuliani says hes feeling good after testing positive for covid19 so sad that i wasnt able to go to jersey and see my friend #fuck #covid #soon #reunited webmd covid19 passed heart disease as the leading cause of death during the past week according to the latest report from the institute for health metrics and evaluation URL URL URL webmd new research suggests that zinc which many americans take at the first sign of the common cold may help people recover from covid19 URL webmd if you had covid19 symptoms at some point but were never tested or if youre experiencing longterm symptoms that just wont go away you might want to talk to your doctor about getting an antibody test URL URL chungha giving everyone covid19 wtf is this timeline URL the next big deal URL no 600 relief for georgians as @user lives in homes like this after told about covid19 says her advisers happened to dump millions of dollars in stock bought stock in companies making covid19 protective wear all to profit from pandemic #georgia #crookedloeffler URL are the covid19 vaccines safe URL URL sun sentinel investigation gov ron desantis ordered public health officials not to discuss the covid19 virus with the public URL no 1 gonzaga cancels four basketball games because of virus issues by by alan blinder via nyt new york times URL after defying virus rules a bar manager drove his car into a sheriffs deputy by by mihir zaveri via nyt new york times URL an antivaccine activist has been invited to testify before a senate committee by by sheryl gay stolberg via nyt new york times URL giuliani has tested positive for the coronavirus trump says by by maggie haberman via nyt new york times URL many palestinians disregard safety requirements as coronavirus cases in the west bank soar by by adam rasgon via nyt new york times URL its crazy how many people i know have caught covid19 recently medscape balancing security and sanity during the covid19 crisis URL URL medscape diners are left in the dark about which restaurants have been linked to #covid outbreaks URL #contacttracing URL URL medscape listen a covid19 related conversation on health disparities in dermatology URL URL medscape 3 billion has been spent on stockpiling #ventilators in the us but 50 of them are basic breathing devices that dont meet minimum requirements to save covid19 patients URL URL URL medscape watch learn what its like to be a medical dean in the face of a pandemic like covid19 URL URL u dont understand twice has to get tested for covid19 now and if any of them have it ill end my shit right now mama really had idols sit in a parking lot for 6 hours only for them to get covid19 cancel award shows wtf is wrong w yall man i almost thought i had covid19 cuz i couldnt taste the seasoning in this food turns out its just thecooker if all the #hospitals are really busy treating #covid #patients then why i am seeing some many instagram tik tok rumble snap chat etc videos of them doing trends #nurses #doctors #stopthesteai #healthcare mike flewitt postcovid mclaren focus shifts to electrified future URL URL i keep making the joke covid19 or go home in my head and im ashamed of myself every time we must take this extremely seriously miamidade mayor daniella levine cava worried about covid19 overwhelming hospitals URL from now on when im out and i see a man not wearing their mask properly im gonna speak loud af and say i cant believe covid19 causes early erectile dysfunction i guess guys dont care about getting hard around here you know what i noticed this during this pandemic covid19 if someone aint like you and you aint noticed you was definitely clearly able to notice during this pandemic lol if youve ever willingly drank mountain dew you should not be worried about whats in the covid19 vaccine speaking to ex and current warner execs seems the writings been on the wall for a while wb as you knew it is gone the 2021 strategy will become permanent all about att taking on verizon covid19 was the perfect opportunity to get it done south beach on covid19 restriction covid in florida 8436 new daily cases and 96 additional deaths URL average life expectancy in the us 87 average age of covid19 death victims 89 go out and get covid19 and live longer birx winter coronavirus surge is the worst event that this country will face @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: URL florida covid19 hospitalizations up 68 in past four weeks but beds still available :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: URL trump lawyer giuliani in hospital after positive covid19 test URL :_emoji_not_identified_U2066_: @user :_emoji_not_identified_U2069_: trump team can increase one thing corona virus case numbers that is one thing they have mastered winning elections fairly well that is another story gloria estefan pays tribute to tour bus driver ron bear jones who died of covid19 URL shit i contracted covid19 twice before it was covid20 URL local covid19 cases wondering what the number of cases are in your city check out the current stats if you live in miamidade or broward counties URL a shame that all these conservative senators getting positive from their covid19 hoax as they believe are getting the best and most rapid treatments imaginable if only if only that 1 they tout so much would kick in just a little if only i love how broken 2020 is that an anime character who had 10 seconds of screen time and didnt show his face trended more and longer than the news to rudy guiliani getting covid i love how shonda always incorporates real events into her shows theyre dealing with covid19 in the story line too #greysanatomy 55 percent of nyc firefighters say they wont take covid19 vaccine as city continues to see case surge newsweek URL trump lawyer giuliani in hospital after positive covid19 test president donald trump said sunday his personal attorney rudy giuliani has tested positive for the coronavirus making him the latest in trumps inner circle to contract the disease that is URL URL covid19 impacts #florida tourism URL #jobs #economy #tourism with infusions of eucalyptus chamomile and matico #bolivia aims to combat the #covid19 pandemic while delaying the purchase of vaccines to immunize the population URL by @user covid basel so chungha has covid19 too i hate everything after all the covid19 as soon myke towers has a concert im going breaking treason ga gov kemp and ca gov newsom bought off by communist china in covid19 supplies kickback and money laundering schemes URL #update after testing positive for #covid19 rudy giuliani was experiencing symptoms and has been admitted to georgetown university medical center in washington according to a person familiar with the URL i remember i told my friends i would get covid19 and they thought i was joking just for me to get guess what when u cant hoe out bc covid covid19 miamidade pleads for federal aid as crises grows miami URL giuliani visited arizona this past week as one stop on his traveling legal tour alleging there was widespread fraud in the election giuliani trump attorney jenna ellis talked :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: unmasked :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: for roughly 11 hrs in the hotel ballroom with several lawmakers URL a covid19 memorial will rise from a former toxic waste site in new jersey URL URL hawaii :bangbang: wife of prominent honolulu attorney returns home after 90day battle URL our mayor on kauai made an agonizing decision to reinstate the 2 week travel quarantine to try and bring the covid19 numbers back down to zero fingers crossed its not too late been in florida for about a week now i can honestly say that no one down here gives a shit about covid lots of artists in korea now with covid19 scares seems like the virus is taking hold again over there so sad covid greater manchester stops care home tests over accuracy fears URL nearly a quarter of floridas new 8436 covid19 cases come from miamidade floridas department of health on sunday confirmed 8436 additional cases of covid19 bringing the states known total to 1058074 URL how the us uk and china are planning to roll out vaccines URL betsy devos teachers for good trouble stop standardized testing during covid19 pandemic URL the housing market is booming but millions of americans face eviction :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: and the gap is getting worse URL is he afraid of catching covid19 URL so thankful for the apartment were in especially since we moved in may during that crazy wave of covid19 only had a virtual tour lol but soooo ready for bigger better does this make any sense regarding the covid19 vaccine the nursing home residents will receive the vaccine first as established by the state of #florida then the next round the staff will get it the staff go in and out why wouldnt they get it first #covidvaccine he becomes the latest in a growing list of white house officials who have tested positive for the virus URL why is the president announcing that homeboy rudy boy tested positive for covid19 weird #rudygiuliani law firm commercials in 2030 if you or a loved one had the covid19 shot and have experienced paralysis diabetes cancer or death pay close attention you could get compesated government officials whove been leading their sheep over the covid19 cliff by their bad example :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: despite the pleas of medical people who are putting their lives on the line :_emoji_not_identified_U2014_: were better off without them i dont care if its gavin french laundry newsom or one of the gop aholes URL twitter automatically suppresses anything mentioning covid19 or vaccines that isnt from a blue check neolib msm media source they clearly realized its too controversial to mass delete millions of tweets they dont like so instead they just suppress everything good or bad i wanna know why people are coming from out of state to miami and not wearing masks are you fucking trying to bring covid19 to your state what the fuck is wrong with everyone senate and house when asked about covid19 relief #stimuluschecksnow URL it was covid19 URL nobody ever said covid19 makes you extra annoyed is this true asking for a friend rico nasty just got added to my must see postcovid list after nightmare vacation the biggest side effects ive notice about covid19 im extra annoyed everything is getting on my nerves why dont you talk about all of the people who have died of covid19 or become ill with lingering effects because of you #deathdesantis #desantiskillsflorida #crook #impeachdesantis #impeachdesantisnow #byebadgovernance #corruption #murderer URL im quite sure thats how the latest tests of the covid19 vaccine went #theoutpost rudy giuliani tests positive for covid19 president trump says in tweet URL yahoo finance shark tanks kevin oleary on covid19 stimulus give american people checks stop funding companies URL nbc news massachusetts field hospital begins to receive covid19 patients nbc nightly URL how pfizers vaccine works URL if this covid19 perplexilite dont end on january 1st im time traveling covid19 impact on global digital photography market 20202026 potential growth URL rudy giuliani 76 is hospitalized in dc with covid19 URL im so excited to go out and be immune to covid19 i really am ums miller school of medicine has become a hot spot for covid19 vaccine and treatment trials this year but on any given day researchers are conducting over 1000 different studies on everything from rare diseases to diabetes URL i was just on @user discussing the weekends efl action and was so impressed to hear on the break they held me over on the public service announcement re covid19 protocols in the uk this is missing on us radiotv psas that reinforce the seriousness of the situation thank you @user and #tedkoppel for featuring a story about the #evictionmoratorium which ends on december 312020 putting millions of individuals and families at risk of becoming homeless URL covid really ruined my birthday im still onthat claiming rudy has covid19 is a pretty decent way to put an end to the embarrassment hes wrought without having to explain too much just sayin covid19 im guessing URL what if dolly does a surprise release of the covid19 vaccine during her christmas special this scene irrelevant to me we know they had a big beautiful covid19 wedding #rhoa if you want to avoid getting covid19 wash your hands practice physical distancing dont lie down on a bed to tuck in your shirt maybe dont be around tons of people with covid19 all the time darn i just had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and i couldnt taste it i had covid19 in july and am surprised at the foods i still cant taste i was hungry so i ate it anyway the strokes kombucha and la la land cured my covid when she was asked about whether shed take the covid19 vaccine loeffler went off about radical leftist and sen chuck schumer dny and didnt say a word about the virus that has killed over 9500 people in the state URL rudy giuliani in hospital after testing positive for covid19 abc URL i know she not worried about covid19 cuz not nan thing going up that nose #rhoa URL imagine covid19 was just an intelligent lie to control us i hate every single person who refuses to wear a mask and spreads disinformation about covid19 this is so unfair URL come on covid19 this is the ideal poster boy governor desantiss handling of floridas covid19 pandemic subject of feature length documentary URL mfs lost love ones this year and yall have the audacity to complain about how covid19 messed up your plans you survived a whole pandemic thats a whole blessing great segment on @user about covid19s impact on college sports with regards to budget cuts heartwrenching and frustrating we focus too much on spreads and scoops and being first that we forget these are people 30 schools have cut almost a combined 100 sports teams 12 rudy giuliani in the hospital for covid19 december 24th is an important URL rudy giuliani in the hospital for covid19 this is what will happen next URL 16 new covid19 cases 3 from tobago trinidad guardian URL URL i feel like i got #covid just watching the #snowballderby today miami looks the same only our covid19 numbers are sky high URL he infected hundreds of people over the last few days and now is in the hospital these anti mask trumpers are pathetic and inhumane wear your damn fucking mask and stay socially distant until the vaccine is approved by dr fauci URL i just want to go to the chiefs vs dolphins game hate covid covid19 could cause erectile dysfunction doctor says URL miami qb king announces he battled covid19 URL i hope covid19 taught people that its important not live pay check to pay check say baby fever sound like covid athome testing URL i recognized in march that covid19 is trumps gas chamber used to massacre black brown people if @user lets trump get away w this genocide it will be unforgivable URL seems old hands in his pants giuliani tested positive for covid19 shame that is shame for all the innocent people hes touched and breathed on lately just heard that rudy giuliani is in the hospital with covid19 i hope hes ok so after trump pardons him thereby pricing hes a criminal he can be compelled to testify about all of the schemes hes been running and get his coconspirators thrown in jail bill gates foundation sterilized black africans through fake vaccines i am sure these covid19 vaccines will negatively affect fertility the globalists want to reduce world population by at least 15 URL covid fucked this team from being really in the playoff hunt loeffler says shes proud to have brought covid19 relief to georgians she lives in an alternate universe just the rest of the gop she hasnt done anything to help liar and hypocrite she is out of touch split up jokers measly 55m budget lost out on huge profit from box office ruins justice leaguedceu hype hides directors cuts movie trailers on d regular delayed #ww84 from 2019 to 2020 which caused d movie to run into covid19 i realize @user @user :red_heart: URL how about a complete list of high profile dems who have had covid19 since january URL you would swear covid19 doesnt exist the way these snaps look miami is open for real i was at urgent care today and this dude def had covid19 cause i have never heard a cough like this in my life te lo juro the dude straight up sounded like URL interesting trump got covid19 right after his taxes were published and a really bad debate cured miraculously now the biggest joke giuliani with absolutely no chance of doing a thing other than embarrassing trump also got covid19 #giuliani #covid19 #covidiots #covidalert #hoax URL photos as covid19 spreads boca raton parties shops andunmasks URL every day i watch medical workers and families cry and mourn over the thousand of deaths from covid19 and the first thing that comes to mind is that 70 million people still voted for this man meanwhile there are 17 nations on this planet that have less recorded covid19 cases than trump and friends URL i knew giuliani was sick i didnt know covid19 made you mentally ill in addition to the physical symptoms that explains his nutty behavior URL i cant wait to meet all the friends i made online after covid